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"Were they looking very happy?" asked the Baroness. "Wratislav was wearing some new English clothes, so, of course, he was quite happy. I overheard him telling Toni a rather amusing story about a nun and a mousetrap, which won't bear repetition.

"'My journals, I shouted as I went down, and all the time the flood was boiling in my ears my thought was, 'My journals, 'my journals. "The moment my mouth was up again above the water, I bubbled out, 'My journals, save my journals, then struck out for the shore. Now I saw Preble hanging on to the canoe and trying to right it. His face was calm and unchanged as when setting a mousetrap.

What is it starts you all wearing these little black belts round your waists, or this mousetrap," poking the puffs of pretty silk hair that hid her ears; "it's a psychology that's beyond most of us! Maybe my Jerry will set a new style in Lincoln." Isobel blazed in her scorn. "Well, I'd die before I'd look like her!" she cried. "I'm going to bed." She felt very cross.

It is a piece of cheese a piece of cheese in a mousetrap, and we are the little mice. Goddam! And the cats oh, the cats they wait for us! The cats are those four Spanish ships of war that have come meantime. And they wait for us outside the bottle-neck of this lagoon. Mort de Dieu! That is what comes of the damned obstinacy of your fine Captain Blood." Wolverstone laughed.

Trina burst in upon her mother while the latter was setting a mousetrap in the kitchen. "Oh, mamma!" "Eh? Trina? Ach, what has happun?" Trina told her in a breath. "Soh soon?" was Mrs. Sieppe's first comment. "Eh, well, what you cry for, then?" "I don't know," wailed Trina, plucking at the end of her handkerchief. "You loaf der younge doktor?" "I don't know." "Well, what for you kiss him?"

Lady Kilmarny, as a member of the League against Cruelty to Animals, had determined that nothing would induce her to throw any poor mouse to this cat, even if she heard of a mouse plying for hire; but here was I in a dreadful scrape, professing myself ready to snap at anything except Corn Plasters; and she felt bound to mention that the mousetrap was open, the cheese waiting to be nibbled.

The best scene is that in which four or five stern Nonconformists, clad in the full Puritan costume, after discussing the prospects of the Mousetrap Company and the Fleakilling Company, examine the question whether the godly may lawfully hold stock in a Company for bringing over Chinese ropedancers.

In the meantime, the mousetrap continued in operation, and likewise d'Artagnan's vigilance. On the evening of the day after the arrest of poor Bonacieux, as Athos had just left d'Artagnan to report at M. de Treville's, as nine o'clock had just struck, and as Planchet, who had not yet made the bed, was beginning his task, a knocking was heard at the street door.

But the narrative was interrupted by the long mellow call of "Cuckoo!" "What's it mean?" chorused the birds. "Oh, that's his impudence," said the old owl, winking and blinking, for he had been roused out of his sleep by the new call. "Come now, that won't do; we don't want you meddling now, old mousetrap," said the birds; "none of your night-birds here."

When the third mouse had been caught, the kitten shivered all over at the sight of the mousetrap and its inmate, and scratched Praskovya's hand. . . . After the fourth mouse my uncle flew into a rage, kicked the kitten, and said: "Take the nasty thing away! Get rid of it! Chuck it away! It's no earthly use!" A year passed, the thin, frail kitten had turned into a solid and sagacious tom-cat.