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I say, Collins: a person could make a perpetual motion, with a fly on a sort of a treadmill? Ah! but then it would n't pass muster unless it went of its own accord would it? Perpetual motion's a thing I've been giving my attention to lately. You remember you advised me to study mechanics? Well, I 've been thinking of arranging a clock so as to wind itself up as it went on. That 's one idea.

But it ain't the mahogany I think of. It's the child's gettin' there safe and well." "Well," said the old man, "I asked the captain about the seasickness, and he says she ain't nigh so likely to be sick as she would on the steamer; the motion's more regular, and she won't have the smell of the machinery. That's what he said. And he said the seasickness would do her good, any way.

Still looking at the earth, he went back to his implement. "I'll put you where the dogs won't bite you if you ever threaten my life ag'in!" said he. "I didn't threaten your life, Isom, I didn't say a word," said Joe. "A motion's a threat," said Isom.

"The motion's denied," announced Mr. Gibney firmly. "Now, looky here, Gib, that ain't fair. Didn't you fight Tabu-Tabu an' didn't Scraggsy fight the king o' Kandavu? I ain't had no fightin' this entire v'yage an' I did cal'late to lick that doggone mate." "Mac, it can't be done nohow." "Oh, it can't, eh? Well, I'll just bet you two boys my interest in the syndicate "

"Second the motion," rumbled McGuffey. "The motion's carried," said Mr. Gibney, and banged the table with his horny fist. "The meetin' will please come to order. The chair hereby appoints Phineas Scraggs secretary of the syndicate, to keep a record of this and all future meetin's of the board.

Gibney, beaming, "the motion's carried unanimous. Captain chief your fins. Dook me. I'm honoured by the handshake. Now, regarding that crew you brought down from San Francisco on the old Maggie, Scraggs, they're a likely lot and will come in handy if times is as lively in Colombia as I figger they will be when we arrive there.

Motion's morton I mean Mrs. Morton's motion, please say ay!" In a clear, ringing voice she led the chorus in the affirmative. Yes, every woman present, including the presiding officer, voted an enthusiastic ay, whereupon Cicily declared the motion carried; and Mrs. Morton rose and said: "Thank you, ladies." Next, Mrs.

"It rocks from head to foot," he quavered in joy, "'stead o' from side to side the motion's better for 'em."

He refused to admit to himself that after all there was little probability of his motion's being carried; although in truth at the outset he had intended nothing more than to take this striking method of stating his grievance against the committee. He was amused and delighted at the commotion he had caused.