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"Gorgiferous! Gay!" cried Marjorie, and King threw his cap high in the air and caught it deftly on his head. "When do we start?" "As soon as we can get off," said Mr. Maynard, looking at his watch. "Scamper, you kiddies, and get into appropriate rigs." "Oh, what fun!" cried Marjorie, as they flew upstairs. "What shall we wear, Mothery?" "You'll find your frocks laid out in your rooms," said Mrs.

"We might have the governess-cart, mightn't we, mothery?" said Irene, turning her eyes away from Miss Frost, and gazing at her mother with great anxiety and interest. "Certainly, dear, but I" "Oh, you must come too," said Rosamund.

To my mind, religion is a cheerful thing, intended to make us happy, not miserable; and that our faces, like that of nature, should be smiling, and that like birds we should sing and carol, and like lilies, we should be well arrayed, and not that our countenances should make folks believe we were chosen vessels, containing, not the milk of human kindness, but horrid sour vinegar and acid mothery grounds.

Miss Frost looked with her nervous eyes at her pupil. Irene's own bright eyes looked back in reply. They were full of dancing mischief. "Mothery will give you some money to buy the necessary things," she said. "I have spoken to her about it; indeed, she is going with you, and lunch is to be a quarter of an hour earlier."

She said you would take a rest, and forget all the worries that your naughty, naughty child has given you all these years. You will do that, won't you, mothery darling?" "Yes, I will go away," said Lady Jane. "I have arranged it. But what is your request, Irene?" "Well, it has something to do with Hughie. You know about Miss Frost?" "I know she is an excellent creature."

"Well, if you are a-stoppin' at Sir Littleeared Bighead's, you escape the flight by night, and go to bed and think of homeland natur'. Next mornin', or rather next noon, down to breakfast. Oh, it's awfully stupid! That second nap in the mornin' always fuddles the head, and makes it as mothery as ryled cyder grounds.

"No, come home at half-past five. That's late enough for little Queens of Sheba to stay away from their mothers." "All right, I'll skip at five-thirty. Good-bye, Mothery dearie." With a kiss and a squeeze Marjorie was off, and Mrs. Maynard watched her from the window, until she disappeared through the Spencers' doorway.

"I think you are a splendid girl, although you are quite the queerest I ever came across," said the boy. "And you are awfully plucky. Now, I tell you what it is. Mothery and I will do our best to make you a gentleman by and by. You won't be too proud if mother and I help Frosty your Emily, as you call her to make you into something better than a counter-jumper?"

It was Ted who first found tongue and announced casually that he was going to take her straight to the house of Mrs. Bascom, her landlady to be. "She's a good sort," he added. "Mothery like you know. You'll like her." Madeline did not answer. She couldn't. Something choked in her throat.

"Gorgeous!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Just what I longed for, and so much nicer than silver, 'cause that has to be cleaned every minute. Oh, Mothery, they are lovely, and Fathery, too. Consider yourselves kissed thirteen hundred times! Oh, what's this?" "That's my present," said King. "Open it carefully, Mops."