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When he came in sight of the village of the dead, he saw immense droves of stately deer, mooses, and other large and fat animals, browzing tamely near his path. This only served to aggravate his craving appetite, and excite more eagerly the feeling of hunger, because he had brought nothing with him wherewith to kill them.

"Maybe so we'll seen some of these mooses somewhere," said Moise after a time. "You'll seen his track on the sand all along." "That's so," said Rob. "They look just like cattle, don't they? I should think all the game in the country must be coming down into this valley to see what's going on. Here's a wolf track, too, big as a horse's foot, almost.

Ah! had the regal white elephants of Siam been there, doubtless they had offered up their long, hooked tusks, whereon they impale the leopards, their foes; and the unicorn had surrendered that fixed bayonet in his forehead; and the imperial Cachalot-whale, the long chain of white towers in his jaw; yea, over that grim warrior's grave, the mooses, and elks, and stags, and fallow-deer had stacked their antlers, as soldiers their arms on the field.

"I had an idea they climbed up into a tree and built a nest. I may not know much about your old mythology, but I do know a few things about a moose." "Maybe you do," replied the Captain with that maddening twinkle in his eye, "but anybody that calls the plural of 'moose' 'mooses' couldn't be expected to know much about them."

The under part of the floor, that part which was exposed as ceiling for the lower room was lavishly hand carved. This carving was said to have been done by the Indians. There was carved in some places, Indian squaws with their papooses on their backs, heads of big braves, mooses, bow and arrows, fish, deer, antelope, horses, lizards and almost everything imagined was carved in this timber.

The priests prepared sacrifices to appease the spirit, if spirit it were, and sang propitiatory songs, in which they first called it a good Spirit, and thanked it as such for the fat deer and mooses it had sent to their hunting-grounds, and the juicy fish which filled their waters, and the tender fowls which stocked their lakes.

At first, he only carried away deer and mooses; at last, many children were missing. This continued for many moons. Nobody could catch him, nobody could kill him. The Indians feared him, and dared not go near him; he in his turn feared Moshup, and would seek the region of the clouds the moment he saw him coming.

"'Well, my good fellow, said Mac, 'when there are more than one, or they are in the plural number, what do you call them? "'Mice, said the fellow. "'Mice! said M'Clure, 'I must look into that; it's very odd. Still, it can't be mooses either.

They no longer thank me for the fat bears, and mooses, and deer, and bisons, which I send to their hunting-grounds, nor the salmon, and other juicy fish, which I bid to their waters, nor the corn which I command to grow tall and sweet for their use, nor the rich grapes which I make to bow their vines to the earth.

"The Argonautic half of the Expedition came up to our expectations," said Migwan, as they floundered on, "but the Calydonian Hunt seems to be a wild goose chase." "Where do mooses stay when they are in the woods?" asked Hinpoha, falling over a root and pausing to rub her ankle. "On the ground," said the Captain, trying to be funny. "How very odd," said Hinpoha.