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Then the man and the child went in and brought out the kitchen table and chairs, and laid blankets over them to air in the autumn sunlight. Dickie played at houses under the table it was not the sort of game he usually played, but the neighbors could not know that. The table happened to be set down just over the hole that had held the roots of the moonflower.

I'll get a spade and 'ave a turn at it this very day, so I will. This 'ere old artichook's got some roots, I lay." The digging began at the fence and reached the moonflower, whose roots were indeed deep. Quite a hole Mr. Beale dug before the tall stalk sloped and fell with slow dignity, like a forest tree before the axe.

Tinkler and the white seal lay on the floor among white moonflower seeds confusedly scattered, and the gas lamp from the street shone through the dirty panes on the newspapers and sacking. "What a dream!" said Dickie, shivering, and very sleepy. "Oh, what a dream!"

She was seated within the Hospital office writing in a small, black volume. Upon the outside of volume was writ in large, golden letters, D-I-A-R-Y and beneath, in smaller forms, Alice Ewing. All these things mine eyes beheld before I ask of her my question. "A Diary why?" she make laughter as pleasant as the ripple of a tinkling brook. "What do you know about Diaries, Moonflower?"

Then appear the son of the Consul and depart the Honorable Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. I make movement to proceed. Dr. Ewing link arm in mine and put stop to movement. Son of the Consul look see, with little sob make laugh and say, "So Moonflower remains. It's all the same! You can't put me off! I will say it! I love you!" All time of speech Dr. Ewing try to make son of the Consul to stop.

They drew their rocking-chairs arm to arm, so that, behind a bit of climbing moonflower vine, they were as snug as in a bower. Stars shone over the roofs of the houses opposite; the shouts of children had died down; crickets whirred. "Is the light from that street lamp in your eyes, Renie?" "No, no." The wooden floor reverberated as they rocked.

"It must be Moonflower talk," said Sweetclover, and she looked about and saw some Edelweiss and she was very glad and said: "Edelweiss, Edelweiss, how came you here?" Now you must know the Edelweiss is a little white flower that grows away up in the snow of the mountains of Switzerland. "One night I was blown up here in a great snow storm and I've been here ever since," said Edelweiss.

Why, Izzy darling, what what is it, Izzy darling?" "It's nothing. You you get out, Renie. I'm all right; only only it's it's Now that it's all over, I I Just let me alone a minute, Renie. Go you please please!" She closed the door behind her and fumbled through the gloom of the hallway, her hand faltering as she groped ahead. From the recesses of the moonflower vine Mr.

"Can you speak Moonflower talk?" asked Sweetclover. "Yes," said Edelweiss. "Very well," said Kernel Cob, "we are trying to find Jackie and Peggs' motheranfather and we came all the way from the Earth on a parasol to do so. Maybe you can help us." "I would if I could," replied Edelweiss. "But I am afraid they are not here.

"Quong Lee is a Christian and knows of this custom so he came first to me. He is a fine man and would make you a good husband, Moonflower what say you?" Dr. Ewing sit on sofa beside me and smooth hair of useless brow, and look see deep down into my heart of uselessness and find there what I dare not to confess.