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The School of Bridges and Highways is under the authority of the Minister of the Interior, One of these schools is established at Geislautern, in the department of La Sarre; and the other, at Pesay, in the department of Mont-Blanc. The Director and Professors form a committee for the working of the mines of Pesay, as well as for the instruction of the pupils.

He is a millionaire, and they have made him a baron, and now he is the Baron Danglars, with a fine residence in the Rue de Mont-Blanc, with ten horses in his stables, six footmen in his ante-chamber, and I know not how many millions in his strongbox." "Ah!" said the abbe, in a peculiar tone, "he is happy." "Happy? Who can answer for that?

Les deux escaliers du Mont-Blanc sont les seules sommités qui n'aient pas des augives de ce genre.

I did not conceal from myself the dangers to which my curiosity would expose me; but had I not, and that too without any advantage, incurred as great dangers in escalading Mont-Blanc and in going up along the borders of the Nile? Besides, as is generally the case, the certainty of an imminent peril only served to strengthen my resolution.

I was then turned out; I had no money, but I was well, and my feet were on the good stones of Paris. With what delight and haste did I make my way to the Rue du Mont-Blanc, where my wife should be living in a house belonging to me! Bah! the Rue du Mont-Blanc was now the Rue de la Chausee d'Antin; I could not find my house; it had been sold and pulled down.

For this purpose we shall take for example a portion of this earth, which is the best known to us, that is the south-western part of Europe, in order to compare its present state, which so perfectly fulfils the purpose of this world, with that in which no order of valley and of rivers should be fund. Let us begin at the summit, which is the Mont-Blanc.

The persons who had watched during the night by the sick people, in the hospital established in the Rue du Mont-Blanc, were about to be relieved by other voluntary assistants. "Well, gentlemen," said one of those newly arrived, "how are we getting on? Has there been any decrease last night in the number of the sick?" "Unfortunately, no; but the doctors think the contagion has reached its height."

"Good Dagobert, it is your affection for us that makes you so suspicious," said Rose, in a coaxing tone; "it proves how much you love us." Among a great number of temporary hospitals opened at the time of the cholera in every quarter of Paris, one had been established on the ground-floor of a large house in the Rue du Mont-Blanc.

Principal Mineral Substances discovered in France. Dolomite in the mountains of Vosges and in the Pyrenees. Carburet of iron or plumbago, in the south peak of Bigorre. The same variety has been been found near Argentiere, and the valley of Chamouny, department of Mont-Blanc. A rock of the appearance of porphyry, with a calcareous base, in the same valley of Chamouny.

When it struck half past ten, I said to myself that it was time to go. I lived at that time in the Rue de Provence; I followed the Rue du Mont-Blanc, crossed the Boulevard, went up the Rue Louis-le-Grand, the Rue de Port-Mahon, and the Rue d'Antin. I looked up at Marguerite's windows. There was a light. I rang. I asked the porter if Mlle. Gautier was at home.