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In his perplexity, he sought the advice of the celebrated Metastasio, who had been for some time established at Vienna as the favorite poet of the court, and the Italian, with the ready wit of his country, at once supplied him with a quatrain, which, in her disappointment itself, could mid ground for compliment: "Io perdei; l' augusta figlia A pagar m' ha condannato; Ma s'è ver che a voi somiglia, Tutto il mondo ha guadagnato."

But the Marchesa Isabella was the true goddess of his adoration, the mistress to whom his heart and lyre alike were pledged, who was for him, not only "la mia patrona e signora," but "la prima donna del mondo," "the first lady in all the world."

He would make a poem of it. Oh, the loveliness of life! What was it a local singer had carolled in that dear soft Venetian dialect? "Belissimo xe el mondo perchè l' è molto vario. omo ghe xe profondo che dir possa el contrario." Yes, the world was indeed most beautiful and most varied. Terence was right: the comedy and pathos of things was enough. We are a sufficient spectacle to one another.

Often, when he had attained a summit, he would find himself thrust down into a deeper valley. He has mounted to triumphs and fallen to humiliations, but his spirit has never been quelled, and if each acclivity he scales is steeper, the air atop has grown purer, more stimulating, and the landscape spreads wider before him. He can say with Dante: "La montagna che drizza voi che il mondo fece torti."

They are worthy of anything." This at once put us back several centuries, and we never ceased to be lords and ladies of the period of Don Quixote as long as we rested in that inn. It was a bright and breezy Sunday when we left "Il Mondo," and gayly journeyed toward Treviso, intending to visit Possagno, the birthplace of Canova, on our way.

Credulity yes, but not belief. And so, when she looked at the believers, she saw but a few people: Robin Pierce, Sir Donald whom else? And then she heard, as if far off, the song she would sing on the morrow at Manchester House. "Torna in fior di giovinezza Isaotta Blanzesmano, Dice: Tutto al mondo a vano: Nell'amore ogni dolcezza."

Among the frescoes on the walls under the colonnade was the famous mappa mondo, upon which were indicated the various routes of Venetian commerce throughout the world. Two dignified elderly men wearing the black silk robe of the merchant with chains of heavy gold links were strolling to and fro in eager conversation their comrades showing signs of deference as they passed.

The Londoner cannot keep the small and loose order of the grammar of good English; the Genoese conjugates his patois verbs, with subjunctives and all things of that handsome kind, lacked by the English of Universities. The middle class the piccolo mondo that shares Italian dialect with the poor are more strictly local in their manners than either the opulent or the indigent of the same city.

After many disappointments, he died, 20th May 1506, at Valladolid, believing, as far as we can judge, to the day of his death, that what he had discovered was what he set out to seek a westward route to the Indies, though his proud epitaph indicates the contrary: A Castilla y á Leon | To Castille and to Leon Nuevo mondo dió Colon. | A NEW WORLD gave Colon.

As soon as the Victory ran alongside of the Salvador del Mondo, down went her colours, and excellent reasons had she for striking her flag. And now, Mr Simple. The old Captain comes into play again. Having parted company with the four-decker, we had recommenced action with the San Nicolas, a Spanish eighty, and while we were hard at it, old Collingwood comes up in the Excellent.