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So evidently did he foretell of the saints which for an hundred years thereafter would be born in Hibernia, but chiefly in Momonia and Conactia; that he showed even their names, their characters, and the places of their dwelling.

And from the revived woman is it called unto this day the Ford of Ethna; and the fluid element affording a passage unto all travellers, showeth the merit of her reviver. And often the saint visited Connactia and Momonia, working miracles in each; and in each he dwelled for the space of seven years. The Testimony of One who was revived from Death.

Nor let it be wondered that the devil should show himself in the visible form of his accustomed instrument, the God permitting whose judgments are an abyss; but rather let Him be feared who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Of the Saint's Prophecy concerning the Kings of Momonia. And the saint, going out of Lagenia, journeyed prosperously forward into the country of Momonia.

And among the chiefs of Momonia was a certain wicked man named Cearbhallus, and he always hindered Saint Patrick, so that a church could not be builded in the lands of his inheritance. And not far from this man's dwelling was a lake which was fair and pleasing to the eye, but a lofty mountain which stood between intercepted all the delight from his view.

Wherefore he abided for seven years in Momonia, and as many in Connactia; but he dwelled a much longer time in Ultonia, wherein, first announcing the kingdom of God, he had brought its inhabitants unto the faith of Christ, and whose country he had more frequently in his perlustrations illustrated with his holy presence.

And after that Patrick, the illustrious worker of miracles, had fortified with his most holy admonitions the inhabitants of Momonia, whom he had already filled with the faith, he turned to visit the northern part of the island, the territories of the sons of Neyll, that he might convert or confirm the dwellers therein.

A certain prince and his people, which dwelled in a place called Nadese, within the country of Momonia, appointed a day and an hour whereon they might meet in the presence of Saint Patrick to deliberate concerning the erection of churches. And the saint came at the fixed time, and he waited during the whole day until the evening, but no man, at least no man thereunto deputed, came to meet him.