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This yere contreetemps don't change my affections, for I knows it's a misdeal." You-all can gamble I don't do nothin' more that day but mourn. "'Which I should shorely say so! says Dan Boggs, an' his voice is shakin'; 'a-losin' of a gifted horned toad like Augustus! I'd a- howled like a wolf.

If if only she had seen how much grander it would be to make herself the mother-in-law of an earl, instead of a mere aunt-in-law!" Blake's face darkened morosely. "That's the way things are misdeal all around. Your mother is right. You've lost out; I've lost out. What's the use?" "Surely you're not going to give up?" she demanded.

The deakin that was with Ma got the jack of spades and three aces and a deuce, and Ma got some nine spots and a king of hearts, and Ma nearly fainted, cause she didn't get a better hand, I spose. The preacher got a pair of deuces, and a queen of hearts, and he looked up at Pa as though it was a misdeal, and a old woman who sat across the aisle, she only got two cards, but that was enough.

I laid down the last card in the pack on my own pile and looked triumphantly at Dodds. I had, at all events, not made a misdeal. Dodds put his hand down on his cards with a bang. He has large red hands, which swell out between the knuckles and at the wrists. I saw by the way his fingers were spread on the table that he was going to speak strongly.

"There misdeal," said his vis-a-vis. "Hope there's been no misdeal for old Starr." "Spades, did you say?" the talk ran on, "never knew Starr was sickly." "No more was he; stouter than you are, and as brave and plucky as he was strong. By George, fellows, how we do get cut down! Last term little Stubbs, and now one of the best fellows in the class."

The reader may laugh; but if he has ever staked his all on a cast, if he has taken up a hand of twelve trumps, only to hear the ominous word 'misdeal! he will find something in Mr. Fishwick's attitude neither unnatural nor blameworthy.

What I want to say is why not have a row?" "You can't have a row with a piece of pink silk, can you?" his son demanded. "I don't want to blame her, but it's no use counting her in; besides, honestly, Father, I don't care a rap why should I expect her to? My marriage was a misdeal." Sir Peter shook his head.

Whitmore in his deliberate voice. "The folks were discussing it at Torpoint Ferry as I crossed. There's, been a murder at Plymouth, either last night or this morning." "A murder? Who's the victim?" "An old Jew, living on the Barbican or thereabouts. My deal, is it not?" "What's his name?" "His name?" Mr. Whitmore seemed to be considering. "Wait a moment, or I shall misdeal."

Halfway between the pump and the house he met Evelyn coming with a small pail of the precious fluid. They both stopped stock still; then, seeing that it was too late to retreat, both laughed and advanced. "Who wins now?" bantered Ralph as they made the exchange. "It looks to me like a misdeal," she gaily replied, and was moving away when he called her back.

Not enough cards is a misdeal; too many cards is a mistake; and cards up the sleeve is a slap on the front piazza, if they catch you at it. When bidding don't get excited and think you're attending an auction of shirt-waists at a fire-sale. It distresses your partner terribly to hear you say, "I'll bid two dollars!" when what you meant was two spades.