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The Prince was following him, talking over his shoulder to Von Winterfeld and the Kapitan. "Eh?" he said to Kurt, stopping in mid-sentence, and followed the gesture of Kurt's hand. He glared at the crumpled object in the recess and seemed to think for a moment. He made a slight, careless gesture towards the boy's body and turned to the Kapitan.

"Is my particular tangle very different from the general tangle? Mankind, all life, is that." "But our concern is the particular score of incompatible things you are urged to do. We examine and weigh we weigh " The doctor was still saying these words when a violent and ultimately disastrous struggle began between Sir Richmond and the little Charmeuse car. The doctor stopped in mid-sentence.

That was my world and the life I was made for. I could have finished that play. I'm certain ... it was a good play. I had the scenario as good as done. Then.... Conceive it! leaping to the moon! Practically I've thrown my life away! That old woman in the inn near Canterbury had better sense." I looked up, and stopped in mid-sentence. The darkness had given place to that bluish light again.

Cavor seems to have sent most of it without interference, but to have been interrupted in the concluding portion. The second came after an interval of a week. The first message begins: "At last I am able to resume this " it then becomes illegible for a space, and after a time resumed in mid-sentence. The missing words of the following sentence are probably "the crowd."

The Frenchman paused in mid-sentence and swallowed with difficulty, his face very red. "I am certain," he said, after a moment, "that those young ladies know it was Lord Vernon who rescued them. They would no doubt confirm this, if Your Highness would inquire " The Prince strode to the door and flung it open. "Do not come back till you can speak without insulting me," he said, sternly.

I think she must have seen that this thrust was sharper than that of the German long-sword, for she stopped in mid-sentence and looked away from me. And, surely, I thought it was the very irony of fate that I should thus be brought half dead to the house that was my father's, with my enemy and his second to share the burden of me. "But your father?" I queried, when the silence had grown over-long.

She even told him how she had met Nuwell and fallen in love with him. Some time after the meal's conclusion, she suddenly stopped in mid-sentence. "What's the matter?" asked Dark. "I just realized that you're my prisoner," she answered, smiling at him. "Frankly, I'm not sure what to do with you. We can't just sit here in the dining room all night."

His voice was just a little hoarse, and he cut in on Banghurst in mid-sentence on Progress. "I say, Banghurst," he said, and stopped. "Yes," said Banghurst. "I wish " He moistened his lips. "I'm not feeling well." Banghurst stopped dead. "Eh?" he shouted. "A queer feeling." Filmer made to move on, but Banghurst was immovable. "I don't know. I may be better in a minute.

As soon as she saw her two old friends with the strangers, she stopped in mid-sentence. "What's wrong?" she asked. "You look upset about something." The Hungry Tiger bowed low before the little girl. "Your Majesty, this young man, Graham, has come from America and has escaped the clutches of a very wicked Witch. Surely you remember the parade and the horrible threat that this Witch spoke!"

They had had it all fixed for him to go into his father's date business." Mr Goble was impressed. He had a respect for Wally's opinion, for Wally had written "Follow the Girl" and look what a knock-out that had been. He stopped the rehearsal again. "Go back to that Khayyam speech!" he said, interrupting Lord Finchley in mid-sentence. The actor whispered a hearty English oath beneath his breath.