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II. III. Censorship, the Magistrates, Partition and Weakening of the Consular Powers II. III. Laws Imposing Taxes I. VI. Class of Metoeci Subsisting by the Side of the Community I. V. The Housefather and His Household, note II. III. Praetorship II. III. Praetorship, II. V. Revision of the Municipal Constitutions, Police Judges II. VII. Subject Communities

Such a metoikos was not like an actual burgess assigned to a specific voting district once for all, but before each particular vote the district in which the metoeci were upon that occasion to vote was fixed by lot.

In reality this probably amounted to the concession to the Latins of one vote in the Roman -comitia tributa-. As a place in some tribe was a preliminary condition of the ordinary centuriate suffrage, if the metoeci shared in the voting in the assembly of the centuries-which we do not know-a similar allotment must have been fixed for the latter.

His decrees granted independence to the townships which turned to him, citizenship to the -metoeci-, full remission of debts to the debtors, lands to those that had none, freedom to the slaves; nearly 15,000 such manumitted slaves fought in the army of Archelaus. The most fearful scenes were the result of this high-handed subversion of all existing order.

I. VI. Class of Metoeci Subsisting by the Side of the Community I. XI. Guardianship By a similar adjustment the Icelandic law makes twelve rams equivalent to a cow; only in this as in other instances the Germanic law has substituted the duodecimal for the older decimal system. I. XIV. Decimal System 19. comp. I. XIII. Culture of the Olive

This was thenceforth laid not upon the burgesses as such, but upon the possessors of land, the -tribules-, whether they might be burgesses or mere metoeci ; service in the army was changed from a personal burden into a burden on property. The details of the arrangement were as follow. The Five Classes

At an immemorially early period there was introduced into Roman law the principle on which rested the whole legal position of the metoeci , that, when a master on occasion of a public legal act such as in the making of a testament, in an action at law, or in the census expressly or tacitly surrendered his -dominium-, neither he himself nor his lawful successors should ever have power arbitrarily to recall that resignation or reassert a claim to the person of the freedman himself or of his descendants.

It is to be regretted certainly that on this very point tradition leaves us without precise information. The analogy also between the so-called Servian constitution and the treatment of the Attic metoeci deserves to be particularly noticed. Athens, like Rome, opened her gates at a comparatively early period to the metoeci , and afterwards summoned them also to share the burdens of the state.

Class of Metoeci Subsisting by the Side of the Community At first, therefore, the burgesses were in reality the protectors, the non-burgesses were the protected; but in Rome as in all communities which freely admit settlement but do not throw open the rights of citizenship, it soon became a matter of increasing difficulty to harmonize this relation -de jure- with the actual state of things.

There were advances in civilization under them, the division of the people into classes took place, and at that period structures like the "Servian" wall were built. PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS. The Romans from the beginning were divided into the upper class, the Patricians, and the common people, or Plebeians, who were free, but, like the perioeci and metoeci in Greece, had no political rights.