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A small package had been received for her at her uncle's residence in Bordeaux, and had been promptly forwarded to Paris. The outer cover was directed in the handwriting of her uncle's concierge; on the inner, a request, that if Mademoiselle de Merrivale were absent the parcel might be immediately forwarded to her, was written in familiar characters.

Madeleine had frequently seen Ronald when, habited as the soeur de bon secours, she kept nightly vigil by the bed of Maurice, and Ronald had marked the classic features of the "holy sister," and quickly recognized them again when he was presented to Mademoiselle de Gramont. After Mrs. Walton had visited Madeleine, Ronald persuaded her to call with him on Mademoiselle de Merrivale.

A few days after the departure of Maurice for Dresden, the Duke de Montauban made a formal proposal for the hand of Mademoiselle de Merrivale. French etiquette not allowing a suitor the privilege of addressing the lady of his love, except through some kindred or friendly medium, his pretensions were of course made known to Bertha by her uncle.

"And there ain't nothing as can raise a woman's tenderness and loyalty to a man," Greyson went on, "like getting into a hard fix, and sho' Burke Lawson was in a right bad fix. "I begin to see it all now. Nella-Rose went to Merrivale's and he told her Burke had come back. Merrivale told me that. Naturally it upset her and she followed him up to warn him.

Miss Merrivale seated herself upon a bench benevolently placed on the landing. "They sit down here, of course," she responded. "This is a sort of life-saving station," he remarked, seating himself beside her. "Oh, Mr. Rangely, how awfully funny you are." "It's my trade; I have to be to earn my living. Now you and I are the only survivors from a wreck." "Alone on a desert island?"

"Sardonic, as usual," retorted Fred, laughing; and then he went to find Miss Merrivale, convinced that under the circumstances the sooner he proposed to her the better. HEART-BURNING HEAT OF DUTY. Love's Labor's Lost; i. 1. All the world feels the pathos of helplessness hurt and wounded; but only some recognize how this applies to a great and noble nature attacked by unscrupulousness.

Fred Rangely had called, but Mrs. Sampson had regaled her guest with such tales of his devotion to Mrs. Staggchase that Miss Merrivale received him with much coldness, and his call was not a success. Now she was impatiently waiting for the appearance of Mrs. Staggchase, who, it did not occur to her to doubt, would of course call.

Culver calls, ask him to be good enough to wait for me. And that's all," he ended abruptly as he reached the door. "As cool as a cucumber!" murmured Reynolds, as he began to clear the table. "I shouldn't wonder but what he stuck the notice in hisself." Merrivale, still with the morning paper in his hand, strolled easily down to his club and collected a few letters.

Though he was engaged in a conversation with the emperor's grand chamberlain, which seemed deeply interesting to both parties, M. de Fleury broke off instantly when Bertha, with her uncle and Maurice, approached. "You are so radiant to night, Mademoiselle de Merrivale," remarked the courtier, "that all eyes are fixed upon you. It is cruel of you to dazzle the vision of so many admirers!"

"He doesn't look exactly heart-broken," one man observed. "Hearts grow tough in the West," remarked another. "He has probably done the breaking-off himself. Jack Merrivale, late of California, isn't the sort of chap to stand much trifling." A young man with quizzical eyes broke in with a laugh. "Ask Mr. Cosmo Fletcher! He is really well up on that subject." "Also Mr.