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The most readable and reliable detailed account of mercantilism as applied by the British to their colonies is to be found in the volumes of G. L. Beer, The Origin of the British Colonial System, 1578-1660 ; The Old Colonial System, 1660-1754, Part I, The Establishment of the System, 2 vols. ; British Colonial Policy, 1754-1765 ; and The Commercial Policy of England toward the American Colonies , a survey.

Other circumstances helped to impel Germany on the path of colonial expansion; but probably the most important, though the least obvious, was the recrudescence of that "Mercantilism" which Adam Smith had exploded.

Mercantilism sought to keep each country economically self-sufficient. Within this framework the role of the colony was to provide the mother country with raw materials which it could not produce for itself and to be a market for the consumption of many of the manufactured goods produced within the mother country.

EU enlargement is a thinly disguised exercise in mercantilism tinged with the maudlin ideology of embracing revenant brothers long lost to communism. But beneath the veneer of civility and kultur lurk the cold calculations of realpolitik. The applicant countries the EU's hinterland would do well to remember this. Winning the European CAP By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

In the West of Europe mercantilism answered in an equal measure the needs of an expanding state and of a vigorous middle class, the latter being no less ardent in the pursuit of gain than the former in the pursuit of conquest. In Russia, on the other hand, when Peter the Great wanted manufacturing, he had to introduce it by government action.

Its growth rate has leveled off and it has developed a mild case of deflation. In previous centuries, Europe exported its excess labor and surplus capacity to its colonies an economic system known as "mercantilism". The markets of central, southern, and eastern Europe West Europe's hinterland are replete with abundant raw materials and dirt-cheap, though well-educated, labor.

One of the first in importance of these effects was the advent of a new politico-economic doctrine mercantilism the result of the transference of commercial supremacy from Italian and German city-states to national states. With the declining Italian and German commercial cities, the era of municipal commerce passed away forever.

England may now recognize the South, France may join in it, but other great European powers, as Russia, Spain, Prussia, Austria, will not follow in such a wake. The recognition will not materially improve the condition of the rebels, nor raise the blockade. But as soon as recognized, Jeff. D. may ask for a mediation, which the people if not Mr. Seward will spurn. An armed mediation remains to be applied, wherein, likewise, the other European powers will not concur. An armed mediation between the two principles will be the summum of infamy to which English aristocracy and English mercantilism can degrade itself; if Louis Napoleon joins therein, then his crown is not worth two years lease, provided the Orleans have

This economic theory and the system based upon it are called mercantilism.

In previous centuries, Europe exported its excess labor and surplus capacity to its colonies an economic system known as "mercantilism". The markets of central, southern, and eastern Europe West Europe's hinterland are replete with abundant raw materials and dirt-cheap, though well-educated, labor.