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The following distich is sufficient to show his malignancy, and to hold him up to execration: "By his own art, who justly died, A blund'ring, artless suicide: Share, earthworms, share, since now he's dead, His megrim, maggot-bitten head." This scurrilous epitaph produced a burst of public indignation that awed for a time even the infamous Kenrick into silence.

Indeed, anybody that had able nerves might have crossed the planks without this precaution, had they been dry; but, in consequence of the rain, and the frequent attrition of feet, they were quite slippery; and, besides, the flood rolled terrifically two or three yards below them, which might be apt to beget a megrim that would not be felt if there was no flood.

One of his lampoons had almost cost him a procession at the cart's tail; nor did he either spare friend or foe, if the megrim of abuse once seized him. He had a particular genius for scandal, and dealt it out liberally when he could find occasion.

The flacon so tastefully ornamented, has been held to delicate nostrils when the megrim that malady peculiar to refined organisations and susceptible nerves has assailed its fair owner; and the heart-shaped pincushion of crimson velvet, inclosed in its golden case and stuck with pins, has been likened by the giver to his own heart, pierced by the darts of Love a simile that probably displeased not the fair creature to whom it was addressed.

And now, most worthy baronet, as master of this mansion, I pray you to present me to him who hath a swift arm and a ready hand for the defence of an attacked soldier." "Major Wellmore, young gentleman; a tried and trusty friend to the English Commonwealth and its Protector!" said Sir Robert at last; adding, as if in apology for his emotion "Constance! this strange megrim in my head!"

Next day we were all back in our places at the appointed hour, and, not greeting each other much, at once began to bring in bills. We brought them in, not quite so fast, as though some lurking megrim, some microbe of dissatisfaction with ourselves was at work within us. It was as if we wanted to throw one out, as if we felt our work too perfect. And presently it came.

But that evening at supper, the serving-maid brought up a large brew of herbs, dark and nauseous, which Dame Ashton had sent as good for the young lady's megrim. "Will you taste it, sir?" asked the Queen of Sir Walter, with a revival of her lively humour. "The foul fiend have me if a drop comes within my lips," muttered the knight.

The Marquis then led me up the broad stairs, lined with lackeys, to our own suite of apartments, where I was to arrange my dress before being presented to Madame de Nidemerle, who begged me to excuse her not being present to greet me, as she had caught cold, and had a frightful megrim.

Desirée! Desirée! peep out, can't you, now you have your long-desired Sèvres saucer to lap milk from? She won't touch delft, Miss Harz. She is the most fastidious little creature!" "Alas! alas!" and I groaned aloud. "Not taking on about that silly cup, I hope no; what can it be then, a megrim? No. Well, I can't imagine any thing worse, to save my life.

12th " One million trillionth, or one quadrillionth, marked IV., and so on indefinitely. "gastralgia, epistaxis, haemoptysis, asthma and suppuration of the lungs, megrim, deafness, cataract and amaurosis, paralysis, loss of sense, pains of every kind, etc., appear in our pathology as so many peculiar, distinct, and independent diseases."