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'Pears like we's gwine to take sum comfort, and when we'd had de meetins to our cabin, oh! how we did jes pray fur dat freedom we hear'm tell 'bout pray mos' too loud, for dat old Mas'r Sumner tink we's alltogeder too happy, an' den, he up and sold dat pretty gal ob ourn, what was jes risin' uv her fourth year, Miss, an' as pretty as could be.

"No, sir," replied Joe Digg, "but I do mean to say that after you leave out them that takes liquor to help 'em do a full day's work, an' them that commence drinkin' 'cos they re at the tavern, an' ain't got no where's else to go, you've made a mighty big hole in the crowd of drinkin'-men bigger'n temperance meetins' ever begin to make yit" "But how are they to be 'left out'?" asked the lecturer.

I asked the onhappy man what his number was, so I could redily find him in case I should want him agin, and bad him good-bye. And then I tho't what a frollicksome day I'd made of it. Respectably, &c. Artemus Ward. MR. PUNCH, My dear Sir, I was a little disapinted in not receivin a invitation to jine in the meetins of the Social Science Congress. I don't exackly see how they go on without me.

"Well, honey, I's ben to der meetins, an' harked a good deal. Dey wanted me for to speak. So I got up. Says I, 'Sisters, I a'n't clear what you'd be after. Ef women want any rights more 'n dey's got, why don't dey jes' TAKE 'EM, an' not be talkin' about it? Some on 'em came round me, an' asked why I didn't wear Bloomers. An' I told 'em I had Bloomers enough when I was in bondage.

"I was nevah lowed to go out an soshiate with de othah slaves much. I was in de house all time." "I went to prayer meetins every Sunday monin and evenin." "Sometimes dey could have a good time in de evenin and sometimes day couldn." "Chrismas was a big time for everyone. In the manshun we allus had roast pig and a big feed. I could have anythin I want. New Years was the big aukshun day.

I have always believed more in the power of honesty, truth, and justice, than in the power they sometimes have at camp and other meetins.

"De slaves had more meetins and gatherins aftah de war.

His wife war de nicest and sweetest lady dat eber I did see. None ob yer airish, stuck up folks, like a tarrapin carryin' eberything on its back. She used ter hab meetins fer de mudders, an' larn us how to raise our chillen, an' talk so putty to de chillen. I sartinly did lub dat woman." "Where is she now?" asked Robert. "De Conference moved dem 'bout thirty miles from yere.

I kin rattle off odd sayings and big words picked up at Fourth-of-Julys and barbecues and big meetins, but when you begin to fire off your forty-pound bomb-shell book-words, I climb down as suddent as Davy Crockett's coon. Maybe I do speak unbiguously, as you say, but I was givin' you the biggest talkin' I had in the basket.

And the rest of her adventins and the adventins of Joe I will relate in another epistol; and I will also tell whether the world come to an end or not. I know folks will want to know, and I don't love to keep folks in onxiety it hain't my way. Wall, from that night, Miss Trueman Pool attended to the meetins at the Risley school-house, stiddy and constant.