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This functionary, however, has been thoroughly mystified; and the remote source of his defeat lies in the supposition that the Minister is a fool, because he has acquired renown as a poet. All fools are poets; this the Prefect feels; and he is merely guilty of a non distributio medii in thence inferring that all poets are fools." "But is this really the poet?" I asked.

As regards the innumerable poems against the peasantry, I may refer the reader to an extremely curious publication of "Carmina Medii Ævi," recently made by Sig. Francesco Novati, and which contains, besides a selection of specimens, a list of references on the subject of poems "De Natura Rusticorum." One of the satirical declensions runs as follows: Singulariter. Pluraliter. Nom. Hic villanus.

Obligantur, i.e. obligatos esse putant. Forma passiva ad modum medii verbi Graeci. Guen. Cf. note, 20: miscentur. Victus comis. The mode of life between host and guest is courteous. For victus==manner of life, cf. Cic. Inv. 1, 25, 35. XXII. E is not exactly equivalent here to a, nor does it mean simply after, but immediately on awaking out of sleep.

Henricus Fielding, de East Stour in Com Dorset Ar, filius et haeres apparens Brig: Genlis: Edmundi Fielding admissus est in Societatem Medii Templi Lond specialiter et obligator una cum etc. Et dat pro fine 4. 0. 0. It may be noted, as Mr. Of discrepancies like these it is idle to attempt any explanation.

Henricus Fielding, de East Stour in Com Dorset Ar, filius et haeres apparens Brig: Gen'lis: Edmundi Fielding admissus est in Societatem Medii Templi Lond specialiter at obligatur una cum &c. Et dat pro fine 4. 0. 0. Of the ensuing two and a half years of student life in the Temple we know practically nothing, beyond one vivacious picture of Harry Fielding's attack upon the law.

The flame kindled in his youth burned clear in his old age; and it was in his senility that he produced the twelve quartos of his Annali d'Italia as an addition to his twenty-nine folios of his Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, and the six folios of the Antiquitates Medii Ævi! Yet these vast edifices of history are not all which this illustrious Italian has raised for his fatherland.

At some distance on the S.S.W., stands the bright crater, Mosting A, one of the most brilliant objects on the moon's visible surface. REAUMUR. A large pentagonal enclosure, about 30 miles in diameter, with a greatly broken border, exhibiting many wide gaps, situated on the E. side of the Sinus Medii, N.W. of Herschel.

This functionary, however, has been thoroughly mystified; and the remote source of his defeat lies in the supposition that the Minister is a fool, because he has acquired renown as a poet. All fools are poets; this the Prefect feels; and he is merely guilty of a non distributio medii in thence inferring that all poets are fools.

In the centre of the lunar disc, across the equator and on the zero meridian, lies the centre gulf, Sinus Medii, a sort of hyphen between the two hemispheres. Thus appeared to the eyes of Nicholl and Barbicane the surface always visible of the earth's satellite.

Skinner is often ignorant, but never ridiculous: Junius is always full of knowledge; but his variety distracts his judgment, and his learning is very frequently disgraced by his absurdities. BANISH. religare, ex banno vel territorio exigere, in exilium agere. G. bannir. It. bandire, bandeggiare. H. bandir. B. bannen. AEvi medii s criptores bannire dicebant. V. Spelm. in Bannum & in Banleuga.