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The Chinese Emperor, Keaking, becoming alarmed at its growing use and its pernicious effect when eaten or smoked, forbade its importation, and passed laws punishing persons who made use of it otherwise than medicinally, and the extreme penalty was sometimes transportation, and sometimes death.

Consequently, this ductless gland a gland, that is to say, which has no obvious canal by which it throws off any product of its activity must elaborate some material that is necessary to the health of the organism and is imparted to the blood. That material, whatever it may be, is termed an "internal secretion." Some of the internal secretions have turned out to be of singular value medicinally.

Yet portions of this unwholesome food which we call medicine, we have reason to believe, are assimilated; thus, castor-oil appears to be partially digested by infants, so that they require large doses to affect them medicinally.

A few much larger doses may be given if desired. A cup of coffee may be given the patient medicinally: as a substitute for the drug, an ordinary cup of strong coffee containing between 2 and 3 grains. Other preparations of caffein may be selected if desired, or a soluble preparation may be given hypodermically.

The seed-pod is sold one quarter dollar the Fezzan kael, or measure, half a peck or so. The gurd is also employed medicinally. I was glad to see several young palms recently planted. I love progress; everything in the shape and style of progress delights me. Would to God the entire Desert was covered with palms. But man would be just as corrupt and unthankful!

At five, another bell rings, and the stewardess reappears with another dish of potatoes boiled this time and store of hot meat of various kinds: not forgetting the roast pig, to be taken medicinally.

You know the Paradise Lost? and you remember, from the eleventh book, in its earlier part, that laudanum already existed in Eden nay, that it was used medicinally by an archangel; for, after Michael had 'purged with euphrasy and rue' the eyes of Adam, lest he should be unequal to the mere sight of the great visions about to unfold their draperies before him, next he fortifies his fleshly spirits against the affliction of these visions, of which visions the first was death.

#Gangrene from Ergot.# Gangrene may occur from interference with blood supply, the result of tetanic contraction of the minute vessels, such as results in ill-nourished persons who eat large quantities of coarse rye bread contaminated with the claviceps purpurea and containing the ergot of rye. It has also occurred in the fingers of patients who have taken ergot medicinally over long periods.

There is quite a time to wait, and it is better to remain as calm as possible, for, in the event of an unsatisfactory result, your friend will need soothing, and you will scarcely be equal to that if you are yourself excited. I have some very fair cigars here. Do me the honour to try one. I prescribe it medicinally. Your nerves need quieting;" and he extended his cigar-case to the young man.

Though himself having no need of and very rarely making use of spirits, even medicinally, he was yet kindly charitable towards his weaker brethren. It is too sadly true that many of the military officers, who yielded to the temptation of temporarily bracing their nerves at critical moments, became slaves to the bottle, and afterwards confirmed drunkards.