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Well, there shall be more 'Raca; soon perhaps. No, there shall not be fighting as you think, Shon; but " here Pierre rose, came over, and spread his fingers lightly on Shon's breast "but this thing is between this man and me, Shon McGann, and you shall see a great matter. Perhaps there will be blood, perhaps not perhaps only an end."

One by one the miners went out quietly. Presently Pierre nodded towards the door, and King Kinkley and another lifted him and carried him towards it. Before they passed into the street he made them turn him so that he could see Shon. He waved his hand towards her that had been his wife, and said: "She should have shot but once and straight, Shon McGann, and then! Eh, 'bien!"

Shon was not armed, and some one thrust a pistol towards him; but he did not take it. Pierre rose, and coming slowly to him, laid a slender finger on his chest, and said: "So! I did not know that she was your wife. That is a surprise." The miners nodded assent. He continued: "Lucy Rives your wife! Hola, Shon McGann, that is such a joke."

And Shon McGann and Pretty Pierre turned back from the end of their quest from a mighty grave behind to a lonely waste before; and though one was snow-blind, and the other knew that on him fell the chiefer weight of a great misfortune, for he must provide food and fire and be as a mother to his comrade they had courage; without which, men are as the standing straw in an unreaped field in winter; but having become like the hooded pine, that keepeth green in frost, and hath the bounding blood in all its icy branches.

McGann shuddered, and drew himself together. "It is the place of spirits," he said; "and it's little I like it, God knows; but I'll follow that Scarlet Hunter, or red devil, or whatever he is, till I drop, if the Honourable gives the word. For flesh and blood I'm not afraid of; and the other we come to, whether we will or not, one day."

Then I spoke a God-bless-you, at which he smiled and shook his head, and leanin' over, touched my hand, and spoke low: 'When you see Shon McGann, tell him what I did, and say that we are even now. Say also that you called Heaven to bless me. Then we swung away from each other, and the troopers followed after him, but let me go my way; from which, I guessed, they saw I was a woman.

Shon was not armed, and some one thrust a pistol towards him; but he did not take it. Pierre rose, and coming slowly to him, laid a slender finger on his chest, and said: "So! I did not know that she was your wife. That is a surprise." The miners nodded assent. He continued: "Lucy Rives your wife! Hola, Shon McGann, that is such a joke."

'Sacre' quick!" When they were alone again he continued with no anger in his tone: "So, Andre the avocat and you that, eh? Well, you see how much trouble has come; and now this other a secret too. When were you married to Shon McGann?" "Last night," she bitterly replied; "a priest came over from the Indian village." "Last night," he musingly repeated.

"It's all along," she said, "av your shtoopin' to dhrink wid them low lived salvages at Hay's. Now, what d'ye know about this?" But McGann swore piously he knew nothing "barrin' that Pete and Crapaud had some good liquor one night dear knows when it was an' I helped 'em dhrink your health, an' when 'twas gone, and more was wanted, sure Pete said he'd taken a demijohn to the lieutenant's, with Mr.

When you reflect that there were some twenty thousand pieces in the drive, and that a good fifty per cent. of them balked below the rapids, you can see that a rear crew of thirty men had its work cut out for it. Jimmy's three days were three-fourths gone, and his job not more than a third finished. McGann, the sluice boss, did a little figuring.