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"You wouldn't hustle around and 'phone Central?" "Bosh!" "Yet if any one told you you hadn't the sense a policeman, you'd resent it." "Of course, I would!" "Well, Jimmy McCue, the night special, who patrols past the corner, saw that very thing happen a few nights ago at the Sterriter Building. Knowing that rats don't go out at midnight for a saunter, two dozen strong, he began to suspect."

The Senate put back the clause and passed it January 23 by 40 ayes, two noes McCue and Frawley of New York and returned it to the Assembly, which passed it four days later by 128 ayes, 5 noes. The resolution had still to pass another Legislature two years later but this was the beginning of the end for which two generations of women had worked and waited.

"On my soul," declared Average Jones, gazing at his club-mate with increased interest, "you're the most remarkable specimen of inverted mentality I've ever encountered. D'you think a cat habitually rounds up two dozen rats and then chivies 'em out into the street for sport? McCue didn't have any cat theory. He figured that when rats come out of a place that way the place is afire.

Aunt Caroline came in then and sot down and began to knit, but didn't say nothin'. John just drew a few times with his bow and then he said: "This here is called 'Pete McCue's Straw Stack, named after old Peter McCue who lived down by Tar Creek.

I was then judge of the Kansas 7th Judicial District, and my judicial duties at the time were such that I could not go, and hence was compelled to content myself by writing a letter, which was later published in the local papers of the county, and which reads as follows: "Erie, Kansas, "December 22, 1894. "Hon. J. D. McCue, "Independence, Kansas.

He has a wife, who belongs to Mr. John Ruff, of Lexington, Rockbridge county, and he may probably be lurking in that neighborhood. MOSES McCUE." "$120 Reward for my negro Charlotte. She is about 20 years old. She was purchased some months past from Mr. Thomas.