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Briggs mutely touched his hat, mounted the box, and the carriage rapidly bowled in the required direction, while Lady Winsleigh remarked laughingly to Mrs. Marvelle "Philip is sure to be with his treasure! If we can catch a glimpse of her, sitting, staring open-mouthed at everything, it will be amusing! We shall then know what to expect." Mrs.

You are a remarkable woman!" Mrs. Marvelle smiled, somewhat mollified. "You see," she then condescended to explain "the whole thing is so extremely disappointing to me. I wanted Marcia Van Clupp to go in for the Errington stakes, it would have been such an excellent match, money on both sides.

She did speculate on Bruce-Errington, you know he was very attentive to her, at that ball I gave just before he went off to Norway." "He certainly seemed rather amused by her," said Mr. Marvelle. "Did she take it to heart when she heard he was married?" "I should think not," replied Mrs. Marvelle loftily. "She has too much sense. She merely said, 'All right! I must stick to Masherville!" Mr.

Beside him is a melancholy short man with long hair and pimples, who surveys the increasing crowd in the room with an aspect that is almost tragic. Once or twice he eyes Mr. Marvelle dubiously as though he would speak and, finally, he does speak, tapping that album-entranced gentleman on the arm with an energy that is somewhat startling. "It is to blay I am here!" he announces. "To blay ze biano!

He watches her as she turns to be introduced to Lovelace, while Miss Van Clupp, thinking of the relentless gift of satire with which that brilliant writer is endowed, looks out for "some fun" for, as she confides in a low tone to Mrs. Marvelle "she'll never know how to talk to that man!"

"Yes, yes, I quite understand!" he says, nodding persuasively at the excited genius. "You are here to play. Exactly! Yes, yes! We shall all have the pleasure of hearing you presently. Delightful, I'm sure! You are the celebrated Herr ?" "Machtenklinken," adds the pianist haughtily. "Ze celebrated Machtenklinken!" "Yes oh er, yes!" And Mr. Marvelle grapples desperately with this terrible name.

Do you want to see papa? Papa's in there!" pointing to the door from which he had emerged "he's correcting my Latin exercise. Five good marks to-day, and I'm going to the circus this afternoon! Isn't it jolly?" "Dear me, Ernest!" exclaimed Mrs. Marvelle half crossly, yet with an indulgent smile, "I wish you would not be so boisterous! You've nearly knocked my bonnet off."

Darling, indulgent, good old Mimsey! you don't mean to turn into a prim, prosy, cross Mrs. Grundy! I won't believe it! And you mustn't be severe on poor Lennie he's such a docile, good boy, and really not bad-looking!" Mrs. Marvelle fidgeted a little on her chair.

Marvelle raised her hands and eyes in utter amazement. "Clara, Clara! Pray, pray be careful! Suppose any one else heard you going on in this manner! Your reputation would suffer, I assure you! Really, you're horribly reckless! Just think of your husband " "My husband!" and a cold gleam of satire played round Lady Winsleigh's proud mouth. She paused and laughed a little.

"I am waiting for you, you know. You haven't finished your work yet. Ah, Mrs. Marvelle! How do you do?" And Lord Winsleigh came forward and shook hands. "You will find her ladyship in, I believe. She will be delighted to see you.