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Then, for the first time, the officer recalled that the trail bifurcated like the river itself. One fork turned to the right, which led to where the sailboat had been secured. Without pausing, Martella turned down this, and a few minutes later all stood on the river's margin. There nestled their boat with no sign of having been visited during their absence.

"I can understand that the General may have reasons of his own for not coming himself for the Señorita, but I do not understand why her brother does not hasten to her." "Heard you not that he was ill with fever and needs his sister to nurse him?" For the first time in the interview the Captain laughed. "I beg you, Martella, not to hint to the General how stupid I was." "Be assured I shall not.

The engineer promised to bear the message to General Yozarro and I doubt not that it will be repeated to him before the sun sets." "Martella, you're a fool!" "Perhaps," replied the native with a grin and shrug; "but Señor the Major does not reflect that General Yozarro would have me shot for leaving the boat without his permission.

She instantly obeyed and he leaned forward himself, so as to offer as small a target as possible. Captain Guzman and Martella sat motionless, watching the tug rushing down upon them and ready to leap ashore the instant they came within reach. All a-tremble with the intensity of his rage, General Yozarro stood to the rear and beside the six-pounder whose muzzle was pointed toward the little boat.

"No need of that; I have questioned him; I know that your real business with General Yozarro was to meet the Señorita, your sister, and I know all that Martella knows." "And what is that?" "Señoritas Starland and Estacardo were passengers on the boat, but ten miles down the river they went ashore, and, under the escort of two soldiers, set out for the summer home of General Yozarro."

The man looked sharply around and removed the cigarette from between his lips. "Martella!" he replied in the same careful voice. "Who else is on the boat?" "Only Juarez and Dominguez." He had mentioned the names of the two firemen. "Is it safe for me to join you in a smoke?" "For a little while only."

Major Starland and the others noted that the deserter was in high spirits, but no one could understand why this should be the case. "It is as I thought," said Martella; "the gunboat landed General Yozarro and the officers who have gone to the Castle." "We knew that before." "And he did not dream of the presence of our boat so near. Things would have been different had he known it."

"General Yozarro and his officers have returned!" called Martella; "the firemen are cramming the furnace with wood; they mean to pursue us!" Jack Starland and his sister looked behind them. The Atlamalcan had spoken the truth. The time seemed much too short for the party to have made the journey to the Castle and back.

Pike began to talk of new shoes, a hogshead of tobacco to set in the corner, a new lock to his rifle; and, leading Martella to a certain spot on the mountain-side, he pointed out to her how a small cannon doubtless a thing not beyond the scope of their fortune in price might be planted so as to command and defend the sole accessible trail to the cabin, to the confusion of revenues and meddling strangers forever.

However Martella Garvey's heart might be rejoicing at the pleasures of her new life, Blackjack had done his work with her exterior. He had carved her countenance to the image of emptiness and inanity; had imbued her with the stolidity of his crags, and the reserve of his hushed interiors.