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The commander of L'Embuscade, and the officers of the other French vessels, were regarded as almost superhuman by the most enthusiastic sympathizers with the French Revolution; and tri-colored ribbons and cockades were seen on every side, while the streets were made resonant with the Marsellaise Hymn and the Carmagnole.

The political madness which has taken possession of the public mind is fearful. Foreign or civil war! Such is the alternative. Thiers, who governs the masses, flatters them by promises of war and conquest. The Marsellaise, so lately a sign of rebellion, is sung openly in the theatres; the soldiers under arms sing it in chorus. The Guarde Nationale urges the King to declare war.

"We must remember, Henri," said de Lescure, "these are not conscripts, nor yet merely the Marsellaise, we have to deal with: the men who fought at Jemappes and at Valmy are here; the old cuirassiers of the French army." "They are cowards, Charles," said Henri, "or they would not have deserted their King." "They are good soldiers, nevertheless," said Bonchamps.

I confess to a certain obliviousness here; a mental haze, amid which the mingled airs ofRule Britanniaand theMarsellaisefloat indistinctly.

The sherry had done its business on them both; the Baron, and who, perhaps was the most "cut" of the two, chaunted the Marsellaise hymn of liberty with as much freedom as though he were sitting in the saddle. Thus they proceeded laughing and singing until the Bury pay-gate arrested their progress, when it occurred to the steersman to ask if they were going right.

In a moment of dead silence, just before the crash that accompanied the descent of the curtain, he had scored for the C trumpet, muted and pianissimo, a phrase in the rhythm of the first three bars of the Marsellaise, but going up on the open tones and sustaining the high G, so that it carried also, a suggestion of The Star Spangled Banner.

My pappa have to pay fine when hees cheeldren speak ze French. My little seester when she sing ze Marsellaise she must go t'ree days to ze Zherman zhail!" "You mean to prison?" Tom asked. "Just for singing the Marsellaise! Why, the hand-organs play that where I live!" "Ah, yess Americ'! In Alsace, even before ze war you sing ze Marsellaise, t'ree days you go to ze zhail.

Two bands whose men managed to continue their spirited music in spite of the driving rain led the march playing "Forward Be Our Watchword"; "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"; "Onward Christian Soldiers"; "The Pilgrim's Chorus" from Tannhauser; "The Coronation March" from Le Prophete, the Russian Hymn and "The Marsellaise"

"I will tell you," said Frenchy, reverting to Tom's previous question. "I am zhust ze same age as you sefenteen when zey throw my seester in ze zhail because she sing ze Marsellaise. Zat I cannot stand! You see? When ze soldiers fat Zhermans, ugh! When zey come for her, I strike zis fat one here so." "I'm glad you did," said Tom. "Hees eye I cut open, so.

"I go wiz Uncle Sam! My seester will sing ze Marsellaise!" "Yes," said Tom. "She can sing it all she wants." "If zey are not yet killed," Frenchy added, looking intently out upon the ocean. "I kind of feel that they're not," said Tom simply. "Sometimes I have feelings like that and they usually come out true." Frenchy looked suddenly at him, then embraced him.