United States or Venezuela ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Bassett, and even of Master Compton, who pointed and crowed from his mother's lap, he got up on his chair, and put on a pair of spectacles to look. "Eureka!" said he; "behold that dish by Lady Bassett; those are marrons glaces; fetch them here, and let us go in for a fit of the gout at once." "Gout! what's that?" inquired Mr. Bassett. "Don't ask me." "You don't know. "Not know!

"May I come in for a little while?" he inquired with an affectation of doubt and delicacy that was unnatural to him. "Certainly," said Margaret indifferently, but smiling a little withal. "I have ventured to bring you some marrons glacés," said Barker, when he was seated, producing at the same time a neat bonbonnière in the shape of a turban. "I thought they would remind you of Baden.

She fell asleep upon my shoulder in the cab, and was only just sufficiently awake when I left her, to accept all the marrons glacés that yet remained in the pockets of my paletot, and to remind me that I had promised to take her out next Sunday for a drive in the country, and a dinner at the Moulin Rouge.

When the Venosta re-entered, she was followed by the servants, bringing in a daintier meal than they had known for days a genuine rabbit, potatoes, marrons glaces, a bottle of wine, and a pannier of wood. The fire was soon lighted, the Venosta plying the bellows.

Mamma was delighted at the prospect of receiving a call from a real, live Duke and Duchess, so she shed rays of gratitude upon the Prince, and trotted out both her dimples. "Come, Beechy," she said. "We'll go now, as Maida doesn't mind." "I haven't finished my nuts and raisins, and I want some of those marrons glacés afterwards," said I. "I'll stay and eat them, and chaperon Maida.

"I was never so happy in my life," laughed Beatrice. "And to think that you have really captured mamma in spite of herself! Oh, mamma, you will enjoy it so much! I promise you shall. There is iced champagne, and the foot warmer and the marrons glacés and the lamp and everything you like and quails stuffed with truffles, besides. Now do be happy and let us enjoy ourselves!"

"Maida has lived more in books than she has in real life," remarked Miss Beechy with scorn. "I know a lot more about the world than she does, although I am only only " "Thirteen," finished the Countess. "Beechy darling, would you like to have some more of those marrons glacés? They aren't good for you, but just this once you may, if you want to.

"I've eaten so much candy and wedding-cake and olives and marrons, and whipped cream and crab salad that my skin feels like the barrel of a musical box! I'm going to take a walk! Come on, Nancy." "No, I don't want to!" Anne said, wiping her eyes, and sitting back on her heels, with a long sigh and sniff. "I've got too much to do!"

In the centre of the table, between the melting MARRONS GLACES and candied cherries, a pyramid of American Beauties lifted their vigorous stems; they held their heads as high as Mrs. Bart, but their rose-colour had turned to a dissipated purple, and Lily's sense of fitness was disturbed by their reappearance on the luncheon-table.

A lobster next made its appearance, then an Arles sausage, marrons glaces and cherries, the first of the season!