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In former times, the Maroquine Moors, smarting under the ills inflicted upon them by Spain and breathing revenge, subjected their Christian captives to more cruel bondage, than, ever were experienced by the same victims of the Corsairs in Algeria, the stronghold of this nefarious trade.

Hay, was "one of the vilest description, with which it was next to impossible to hold amicable relations, as it invariably acted with bad faith, and set at nought the most solemn treaties." But, if the Maroquine Court had acted in this most extraordinary manner, surely there would now be no Moorish empire of Western Barbary. Arrival at Tangier. Moorish Pilgrims in Cordova.

The tide is felt five or six leagues up the river, according to Chénier. Formerly, vessels of every size entered the river, but now its mouth has a most difficult bar of sand, preventing large vessels going up, like nearly all the Maroquine ports situate on the mouths, or within the rivers.

Three Sundays during a week in Barbary. M. Rey's account of the Empire of Morocco. The Government Auctioneer gives an account of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Morocco. Benoliel as English Cicerone. Departure from Tangier to Gibraltar. How I lost my fine green broadcloth. Mr. Frenerry's opinion of Maroquine Affairs.

Orthodoxy of the Shereefs, and illustrative anecdotes of the various Emperors. Several visits from the Moors; their ideas on soldiers and payment of public functionaries. Mr. Cohen and his opinion on Maroquine affairs. Phlebotomising of Governors, and Ministerial responsibility. Border Travels of the Shedma and Hhaha tribes. How the Emperor enriches himself by the quarrels of his subjects.

Tedsi Beneali. Beni Sabih. Tatta and Akka. Mesah or Assah. Talent. Shtouka. General observations on the statistics of population. The Maroquine Sahara. We have briefly to notice the remaining towns and cities of the interior, with some other remarkable places. First, these distinguished and well ascertained places in the kingdom of Fez.

Nevertheless, in spite of the Maroquine Empire being the most conservative and unchangeable of all North African Mussulman states, and whilst, happily for itself, it has been allowed to pursue its course obscurely and noiselessly, without exciting particular attention in Europe, or being involved in the wars and commotions of European nations, Morocco is not, therefore, beyond the reach of changes and the ravages of time, nor exempt from that mutability which is impressed upon all sublunary states.

Maroquine Moors drench you with tea! they guzzle sweet tea all day long, as the Affghans gulp down their tea, with butter in it, from morning to night. Native Jews manage most of the business of the interior, and farm the greater part of the monopolies. But the Emperor must have some European merchants connected with these Jews to maintain the commercial relations of his country with Europe.

It is estimated, however, that some three or four thousand head of cattle are annually exported from Morocco for our garrison. The Gibraltar Commissariat contractors complain, and with reason, that the Maroquine monopolist supplies the British Government with "the very worst cattle of all Western Barbary."

The Americans, however, have endeavoured to adopt a more expeditious mode of treating with the Maroquine Court. They have something, in the style and spirit of Lynch law, usually made their own demands and their own terms, by threatening the immediate withdrawal of their consul, or the bombardment of ports. The Shereefs, thus intimidated, have yielded, though with a very bad grace.