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He was born in 1833 at Marly-le-Roi, near Paris, but educated in a little town in Lorraine, where his mother's family lived, and whither he still returns two or three times a year, as he said to me, "to run in the woods."

Pargeter, having hired a motor cab to drive her to Marly-le-Roi, had met with an accident or sinister misadventure on the way thither. At last the long day wore itself out, and Vanderlyn, in the late afternoon, found himself once more in his own rooms, alone. He only owed his escape to-night to the fact that two of Mrs.

"Madame de Léra's villa is at Marly-le-Roi, isn't it?" "Yes, haven't you ever been there?" Vanderlyn looked at Pargeter. "No," he said very deliberately, "I scarcely know Madame de Léra." "How odd," said Pargeter indifferently. "Peggy's always with her, and you and Peggy are such pals." "One doesn't always care for one's friends' friends," said Vanderlyn dryly.

A far greater romantic sentiment attaches itself to the royal chateau of Marly-le-Roi than to the utilitarian "Machine," by which the suburb is best known to-day.

As at San Zeno in Verona, San Miniato in Florence, and many other Romanesque churches, the Choir is raised by some steps above the Nave and Transepts; while the Crypt is slightly deprest beneath them. In the Crypt, in such cases, are the actual bodies of the saints buried there; while the Altar stands directly over their tombs in the Choir above it. Marly-Le-Roi By Augustus J. C. Hare

The plans of the "Palais-Chateau-Ermitage" of Marly-le-Roi were from the fertile brain of Mansart, and were arranged with considerable ingenuity, if not taste, generously interspersed with lindens and truly magnificent garden plots. It cost a hundred thousand écus to merely lead the water up to it.

It was Madame de Léra who told us that she had never arrived at Marly-le-Roi. She disappeared yesterday afternoon, but we did not know it till this morning." "May I ask you, gentlemen, to wait for a moment while I make certain enquiries?" observed the detective politely.

Among the multitude of public and private affairs to be arranged before his departure, his friends were not forgotten, and he made many farewell visits to Versailles, Marly-le-Roi, and St. Germain.

Madame de Léra had taken only one servant to the country, and this servant, an old woman whom she has had with her many years, and whom she can entirely trust, had no idea that her mistress was expecting a visitor! I repeat that no preparations for Mrs. Pargeter's arrival had been made at Marly-le-Roi.

Maurice of Saxe seemed to be sent into this world to conquer all women as well as all men. We were always lodged magnificently in Paris, at the Luxembourg, and at Versailles and Fontainebleau, and Marly-le-Roi, when we went to court. The king could not do enough for Count Saxe, and had already begun to consider giving him the Castle of Chambord, as he afterward did.