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'Ha! said the wretch to himself, 'this is good; Taram-taq has not eaten man-meat for a long time, and is craving for some. I will take this creature to him. He took hold of the prince's reins, and said: 'Dismount, man-child! Come to my master. He has wanted to eat man-meat this long time back. 'What nonsense are you saying? said the prince, and other such words.

The great beasts were too fierce and powerful for his feeble weapons except when luck favored him, and the clan or family, or even the single brave hunter, sought the man-meat by stealth or combat, or in tunes of stress ate those nearest and dearest. Specially among peoples whose principal diet is heavy, starchy food, such as the breadfruit, the demand for meat is keen.

This was addressed to Rube, who was busy on his rib and made no reply. "He? not he," said another, answering for him. "Rube's ate a heap o' queery tit-bits in his time. Hain't ye, Rube?" "Ay, an' afore yur be as long in the mountains as this child, 'ee'll be glad to get yur teeth over wuss chawin's than wolf-meat; see if 'ee don't, young fellur." "Man-meat, I reckin?"

"Ay, that's what Rube means." "Boyees!" said Rube, not heeding the remark, and apparently in good humour, now that he was satisfying his appetite, "what's the nassiest thing, leavin' out man-meat, any o' 'ees iver chawed?" "Woman-meat, I reckin." "'Ee chuckle-headed fool! yur needn't be so peert now, showin' yur smartness when 'tain't called for nohow."

Her mast was still stepped, but a hundred centipedes crawled over the hull. When I returned to the fire, the boatmen were talking. Ugh! Dried-up Stream! his stomach full and smoke in his mouth, bethought himself of a tale, an incident of this very spot. In a sardonic manner he began: "The men of this island, Tahuata, in the old days descended on Fatu-hiva to hunt the man-meat.

'Ha! said the wretch to himself, 'this is good; Taram-tāq has not eaten man-meat for a long time, and is craving for some. I will take this creature to him. He took hold of the prince's reins, and said: 'Dismount, man-child! Come to my master. He has wanted to eat man-meat this long time back. 'What nonsense are you saying? said the prince, and other such words.

"Wal, leaving out man-meat, as you say," remarked one of the hunters, in answer to Rube's question, "a muss-rat's the meanest thing I ever set teeth on." "I've chawed sage-hare raw at that," said a second, "an' I don't want to eat anything that's bitterer." "Owl's no great eatin'," added a third. "I've ate skunk," continued a fourth; "an' I've ate sweeter meat in my time."