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"Come further; I don't want him to hear what I've to say to you;" and he walked on some little way before he continued, "you were wishing just now that you had shed Ussher's blood?" "Well I wor; I suppose, Mr. Thady, you're not going to threaten me with the magisthrate again. I wor wishing it an' I do wish it; he was the hardest man on the poor an' the cruelest ruffian I iver knew.

Sally Nutther mind that, too at her special desire an' I tell you what's more if you make any row here do you mind I'll come down with the magisthrate an' the soldiers, an' lave it to them to dale with you accordin' mind ye to law an' equity, civil, human, criminal, an' divine an' make money o' that, ye ye mountain in labour savin' your presence, Ma'am.

As they made me take a solemn oath not to revale what I saw there, I can't tell you any more: but they thrated me badly, an' it was only yestherday I escaped." "Well, Owen, ahagur, we ought to be thankful that you're back here safe; bud do you think the magisthrate will be satisfied with this story they are always anxious to do justice, but they must be satisfied."

"'Me little mahn, it's drinkin' ye've been. Do yez want me to arrest the Po-liss Magisthrate himsilf? Who are ye at all, at all? Ye'd betther be after goin' home and lyin' down, or I'll lock ye up for making a dishturbance. Do ye moind me now?" Grainger could no longer control his laughter, and in the midst of it, Myra tapped vigorously at the door, He rose and opened it.

Begad, the men seein' this took to their heels for the present, wid an intention of comin' the next momin', wid the priest and the magisthrate, and a strong force to seize upon her, and have her tried and convicted, in ordher that she might be burned." "And did they come?" "They did; but of all the storms that ever fell from the heavens, none o' them could aquil the one that come on that night.

Blessed Mother!" were ejaculated by the whole kitchen. Barney, in fact, was progressing with great effect. "O, yez needn't be surprised," he continued, "for it was well known that they had many private meetin's while Bet was livin' in Rathfillan. But it was thought the devil had taken her away from the priest and magisthrate on the night o' the storm, and so he did; and he best knew why.

"Of course ye did. Anybody 'ud know that. Bedad, Mike 'ud know better nor do anythin' that senseless an' mischeevious. Sure, what good 'ud it do anybody to go burnin' that beautiful hay? 'Pon me word, Roseen, if I was you I'd walk that lady straight off to the magisthrate."

The next mornin' the priest and the magisthrate, and a large body of people from all quarthers, came to make a prisoner of her; but, indeed, wherever she might be herself, they didn't expect to find this light, flimsy hut standin', nor stick nor stone of it together afther such a storm.