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If the human feeling of self-preservation, if the fear of death does not check them, how fruitless must be the laws which send them for two years to the Madelonnettes? O sublime infamy!

Coursegol put the assignats in his pocket, and secreted the gold in a leather belt he wore; then without another word, he started in quest of Philip and Dolores. How could he reach them? He must first discover where they were. Prisons were very numerous in those days. There were the Luxembourg, the Abbaye, the Force, the Carmes, the Madelonnettes, Saint-Lazare and many others.

Five days hence she will be taken into custody, and a hundred and fifty thousand francs will be found in her rooms, the remains of a share from the robbery and murder of the old Crottat couple, the notary's father and mother." "She will get five years in the Madelonnettes," said Jacqueline. "That's about it," said the nephew.

If the human feeling of self-preservation, if the fear of death does not check them, how fruitless must be the laws which send them for two years to the Madelonnettes? O sublime infamy!

"Then we shall not see 'Paméla'?" asked Desmahis. The Théâtre de la Nation was closed and the actors packed off to the Madelonnettes and to Pélagie. "Do you call that liberty?" cried Rose Thévenin, raising her beautiful eyes to heaven in indignant protest.

But they only served to escort poor sick Mme. d'Aché, her daughter Louise and their friend Caqueray, who were immediately locked up the last named in the Tower of the Temple, and the two women in the Madelonnettes. The infirm old grandmother remained at Saint-Clair, while Alexandrine wished to follow her mother and sister, and was left quite at liberty. But d'Aché could not be found.

From hence we pass eastward by the Rue Royale, and turning to the left, we shall see the Rue des Fontaines, in which we shall find the Maison d'Arrêt des Madelonnettes, formerly belonging to nuns called the Filles de la Madeleine, now appropriated to the temporary detention of 500 men and boys.

"I have taken Aubry's place to-day," he remarked. Dolores sprang towards him, and he clasped her in his arms. They had been separated only three days, but those three days had seemed a century to both. "Have you seen Philip?" inquired Dolores. "I saw him yesterday, after leaving here, my child." "Is he still in the Madelonnettes?" "Yes; but next week he will be brought here."

In the Place des Victoires he met the ex-Constituent Isidore Buvignier, his friend, who about six weeks previously had come out of the Madelonnettes, where he had been confined for the matter of the Solidarité Républicaine.

If the human feeling of self-preservation, if the fear of death does not check them, how fruitless must be the laws which send them for two years to the Madelonnettes? O sublime infamy!