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"We'll try it," decided the one who appeared to be in command. "We're in the dark, anyhow, and the thing may be only a steer. Mabbe it'll work anyway, it won't do any harm." His hand fell heavily on Jimmie Dale's shoulder. "Mrs. Hagan know you?" brusquely. "Sure she does!" sniffled Larry the Bat. "Good!" rasped the officer. "Well, we'll make the visit with you.

Mabbe you're playin' with me; but, whether you are or not, I guess it won't make much difference what I say. You couldn't help me if you wanted to now with him dead there" he jerked his head toward the form on the floor. "Tell me, anyhow," insisted Jimmie Dale quietly. Birdie's hand lifted and swept across his eyes. "Well, all right," he said, after a moment; "I'll tell you.

Virat moistened his lips with the tip of his tongue. "What do you want here?" he asked huskily. "Oh, nothin' much," said Larry the Bat airily. "I thought mabbe youse might figure dere was some of dem bonds comin' ter me." "Bonds! I don't know anything about any bonds," said Virat, in a low voice. "I don't know what you are talking about. "You don't eh?" inquired Larry the Bat ominously.

She made a tremulous, pitiful attempt at firmness. Eyeing her keenly, he barred her path: she flushed scarlet, and looked hastily away across the valley. 'If ye'll tell me yer distress, mabbe I can help ye. 'No, no, it's nothing... it's nothing. 'If ye'll tell me yer distress, mabbe I can help ye, he repeated, with a solemn, deliberate sternness.

The Tocsin, evidently not quite certain of her part, wet the pencil doubtfully on the end of her tongue. "I ain't never drawed plans," she said anxiously. "Mabbe" she glanced at Jimmie Dale "mabbe I dunno how to do it RIGHT." "Aw, go ahead!" nodded Larry the Bat. "Youse can do it right, Mag. Youse don't have to make no oil paintin'! All de Magpie wants is de doors an' windows, eh, Slimmy?"

"Mabbe," announced the Flopper tactfully, "mabbe I'd better be gettin' back to me valise we're most dere, ain't we?" Mrs. Thornton turned toward him. "No; please don't go, Mr. Coogan it's too hard for you to get through the train. Sam will get your things as soon as he comes back. Do stay right where you are until we get to Needley." "No; don't think of going, Mr. Coogan," said Thornton savagely.

Mabbe you think I'm nutty too, because I know I'm goin' to be cured but it don't hurt you none to have me think so, does it? Mabbe someday you might like to hope a little yerself, an' if " "'Board! All aboard!" the conductor's voice boomed down the platform. The young woman leaned forward in her chair toward the Flopper. "I know what it is to hope," she said softly.

"And to think of it happening in OUR house!" observed the cook heavily, her hands on her hips, her arms akimbo. "It'll all be in the papers, and mabbe they'll put our pictures in, too." "I won't get over it as long as I live!" declared the maid. "The yell Mr.

Inspector Clayton took it, looked at it, looked at Jimmie Dale; then his scowl relaxed into a self-sufficient and pleased smile, and he grunted approvingly. "That's the stuff to put over," he said. "Mabbe you're not much of a reporter, but you can draw. Y're all right, sport y're all right. Forget what I said to you a while ago." Jimmie Dale smiled too deprecatingly.

"Wot wot'll I do wid de Patriarch?" he stammered out miserably. And then Madison smiled at him not happily, but eloquently. "Swipe me!" mumbled the Flopper, as he backed out from the trellis. "Dis love game's fierce an' mabbe I don't know! 'Sposin' she'd been Mamie an' me the Doc 'sposin' it had!" He gulped hastily. "Swipe me!" said the Flopper with emotion.