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Yet he who had acquired such dexterity in other exercises, never learnt to swim. LV. Those for whom he once conceived a regard, he favoured even to madness. He used to kiss Mnester, the pantomimic actor, publicly in the theatre; and if any person made the least noise while he was dancing, he would order him to be dragged from his seat, and scourged him with his own hand.

Of his dispensations of providence, within us and without us, by which likewise he instructeth in the way of truth. Tenthly. He, is the Truth, in, respect of his bearing witness to, the truth; and this he doth, By himself, who was given for a witness, Isaiah lv. 4; and came to bear witness to the truth, John iii. 11; xviii. 37; and was a faithful witness, Rev. i. 5; iii. 14,

And so Jesus gives his people pardon in such promises as these: "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow: though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool," Is. i: 16. "Let them return unto the Lord, for he will abundantly pardon." Is. lv: 7. "All that believe are justified from all things." Acts xiii: 39.

The manners of Germany, of Switzerland, of England and of the United States give to young ladies such rights as in France would be considered the subversion of all morality; and yet it is certain that in these countries there are fewer unhappy marriages than in France. LV. "Before a woman gives herself entirely up to her lover, she ought to consider well what his love has to offer her.

LV. That, for the direction of the Resident in the exercise of so critical a trust, wherein all the true and substantial powers of government were in an inverted relation and proportion to the official and ostensible authorities, and in which the said Hastings did suppose the necessity constantly existing for exercising an influence, and frequently for substituting entirely the British authority "in the place of the avowed and constitutional government," he, the said Hastings, did properly leave to the Resident a discretionary power for his deviation from any part of his instructions, interposing a caution for his security and direction, that, as much as he could, he would leave the subject free for his, the said Hastings's, correction of it, and would instantly inform him or the board, according to the degree of its importance, with his reasons for it.

See Ramsay, R.A., 381. katephilesen. It is used of the woman who was a sinner, when she kissed the feet of the Saviour. Psalm lv. 13-14. Other instances in Süskind, Passionsschule, in loc. See fuller details in Imago Christi, last chapter.

The manners of Germany, of Switzerland, of England and of the United States give to young ladies such rights as in France would be considered the subversion of all morality; and yet it is certain that in these countries there are fewer unhappy marriages than in France. LV. "Before a woman gives herself entirely up to her lover, she ought to consider well what his love has to offer her.

Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. ISAIAH lv. 1-13. The call to partake of the blessings of the Messianic salvation worthily follows the great prophecy of the suffering Servant.

And there are some who say, that he put to death the player Paris as a dangerous rival. LV. He had an insatiable desire to immortalize his name, and acquire a reputation which should last through all succeeding ages; but it was capriciously directed. He therefore took from several things and places their former appellations, and gave them new names derived from his own.

LV. After entering the city, Pompeius married Cornelia, a daughter of Metellus Scipio, who was not a virgin, but had lately been left a widow by Publius, the son of Crassus, who had lost his life among the Parthians, and whose virgin bride she was.