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Ross affirmed, proceeding stolidly with the knitting of the woollen singlet on her knees one of the countless under-garments that she interminably knitted for her skipper sons. "And it was only the Samuels that died?" I queried, in further attempt. "The others luved," was the answer. "A fine fomuly no finer on the island. No better lods ever sailed out of Island McGill.

Me lauch, wi' ma cauld, empty hame! "Yir the only man kens, Weelum, that I aince luved the noblest wumman in the glen or onywhere, an' a' luve her still, but wi' anither luve noo. "She had given her heart tae anither, or a've thocht a' micht hae won her, though nae man be worthy o' sic a gift.

As aw told yo', he were th' bigger mon; bud then aw hed a bit o' science o' mi side, an' I were feytin' for th' lass aw luved, an' when he come up for th' fifteenth time, I let drive atween his een, and he never seed dayleet for a fortnit. 'An' thaa were some stiff when it were all o'er, Malachi, said Betty. 'Yo're reet, lass!

Man, a' kent her lang afore ye ever luved her; a' brocht her intae the warld, and a' saw her through the fever when she wes a bit lassikie; a' closed her mither's een, and it wes me hed tae tell her she wes an orphan; an' nae man wes better pleased when she got a gude husband, and a' helpit her wi' her fower bairns.

Neither the doctor nor Jess moved hand or foot, but their hearts were with their fellow-creature, and at length the doctor made a sign to Marget Howe, who had come out in search of Tammas, and now stood by his side. "Dinna mourn tae the brakin' o' yir hert, Tammas," she said, "as if Annie an' you hed never luved.

"Lord, hae peety upon us, for we a' luved him, and we were a' prood o' him." After the Doctor said "Amen" with majesty, one used to look at his neighbour, and the other would shut his eyes and shake his head, meaning, "There's no use asking me, for it simply can't be better done by living man." This time no one remembered his neighbour, because every eye was fixed on the Doctor.

He never said he luved nothing; but I heard Tom, the mocking-bird, shout 'Vesty, and saw a lady's picture yonder between grandpar and grandmem, and told Misc Somers, and she says, 'Your Uncle Meshach's in luve! Oh, I was right glad of it, because he was so sad and lonesome!"

'Yi, lass, but I've fun mi heart, and he again clasped his startled wife, and grew young in his caresses. 'I thought thaa kept thi luv for Captain, Moses. But I durnd mind goin' hawves wi' th' owd dog. I awlus said that a chap as could luv a dog hed summat good abaat him somewhere and thaa's luved Captain sum weel. 'And others a deal too little, lass.

Me lauch, wi' ma cauld, empty hame! "Yir the only man kens, Weelum, that I aince luved the noblest wumman in the Glen or onywhere, an' a' luve her still, but wi' anither luve noo. "She hed given her hert tae anither, or a' 've thocht a' micht hae won her, though nae man be worthy o' sic a gift.

Weel, fine or coarse, I shall like to see her, and weel I may and must, for I had a brother once I luved as my life; and four years back that brother fell sick here, on his road to the north, and was kindly tended here at the inn at Bannow; and he charged me, puir lad, on his death-bed, if ever fate should quarter me in Bannow, to inquire for his gude friends at the inn, and to return them his thanks; and so I'm fain to do, and will not sleep till I've done so.