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At last the doors were flung open widely again, and the King himself appeared, clad in easy yachting attire, and walking with one hand resting on the arm of the Marquis de Lutera, who, from his expression, seemed curiously perturbed.

Pardon me, but surely you cannot fail to understand that in a Constitution like ours, the course decided upon by Ministers cannot be vetoed by the King?" The monarch smiled gravely. "'Cannot' is a weak word, Marquis! I do not include it in my vocabulary! Lutera turned a deadly white, his eyes fell before the clear, straight gaze of his Sovereign, but he said not a word.

He had been defeated of late years in one or two important measures; and his colleague, Carl Perousse, had by gradual degrees succeeded in worming himself into such close connection with the rest of the members of the Cabinet, that he, Lutera, felt himself being edged out, not only from political 'deals, but from the profits appertaining thereto.

Jost rose slowly out of his chair, his eyes protruding out of his head, his jaw almost dropping in the extremity of his amazement. "The King!" he gasped "The King!" "Yes, man, the King!" repeated De Lutera impatiently, "Only yesterday morning his Majesty, having mislaid his own ring for the moment, borrowed mine just before starting on his yachting cruise. How you stare!

And sitting down he wrote hastily the following lines: "DEAR SIR, Your letter is inexplicable. I sent no messenger to you last night. If you have any explanation to offer, I shall be disengaged and alone till 11.30 this morning. "Yours truly, DE LUTERA." Folding, sealing, and addressing this, he marked it 'Private' and gave it to his man. "Take this yourself," he said, "and put it into Mr.

"I certainly have my resignation in prospect," returned Lutera coldly "And, so far, this mysterious spy has seemingly probed my thoughts. If he is as correct in his report concerning the King, it is impossible to say what may be the consequence."

"Your Majesty has increased its value by wearing it," said Lutera, recovering a little of his strayed equanimity in his determination to probe to the bottom of the mystery which perplexed his mind. "May I ask " "Anything in reason, my dear Marquis," returned the King lightly, and smiling as he spoke. "A thousand questions if you like!" "One will suffice," answered the Premier.

Another, is the Marquis de Lutera; who though he has, possibly through fear, resigned office, is to blame for having made his own private fortune, as well as the fortunes of all the members of his family, out of the injuries and taxations inflicted on the People.

He has sold out of every company with which you have been, or are associated and has so I understand, sent a complete list of your proposed financial 'deals, investments and other 'stock' to " He paused. "Well!" exclaimed Perousse irascibly "To whom?" "To those whom it may concern," replied Lutera evasively "I really can give you no exact information. I have said enough by way of warning!"

This particular example of Premiership was an ungainly man; his proud position could not make him handsome, nor lend true dignity to his deportment. Old Mother Nature has a way of marking her specimens, if we will learn to recognize the signs she sets on certain particular 'makes' of man. The Marquis de Lutera was 'made' to be a stock-jobber, not a statesman.