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For the moment it was plain that he had not recognized them, and supposed them to be strangers to whom he would presently be made known. But now, as somebody moved aside and the light struck upon her, he caught the smile on Mrs. Peyton's face. He left off shaking Jeff's hand, and made a quick movement toward the little figure in black. "Why, Cousin Lula!" he exclaimed.

While we were all busy some one made a remark about how smart these children were. Sedalia thought that a good time to get in a big word, so she said, "Yes, I have always said Lula was a progeny." Mrs.

Trixy Brent has given Lula Chandos his box at the Horse Show, and Lula would never, never forgive me if I backed out." Although she lived in an apartment in a most attractive one, to be sure there could be no doubt about it that Lily Dallam was fashionable. She had a way with her, and her costumes were marvellous.

They looked at each other like two old doves. "How should it matter to us?" she asked sadly. "Because if we do not unite against this awful situation, we well, we are lost!" She sighed, as if she saw no hope anywhere in the moonlight. "Will you marry me, Lula?" "Oh! Colonel Adams " "Under ordinary circumstances I'd never dare hope for such a boon. I'm unworthy of you.

"No, she wasn't really shocked, not in the way she thought she was," said Nancy, in answer to a query of mine. "How was she shocked, then?" "As you and I are shocked." "But I'm not shocked," I protested. "Oh, yes, you are, and so am I not on the moral side, nor is it the moral aspect that troubles Lula Dickinson.

"That's Lula Chandos," explained Lily Dallam in her usual staccato, following Honora's gaze, "at the piano, in ashes of roses. She's stopped mourning for her husband. Trixy told her to-night she'd discarded the sackcloth and kept the ashes. He's awfully clever. I don't wonder that she's crazy about him, do you? He's standing beside her."

Brent threw back his head and laughed. "You haven't got it anyway, Warry," he cried. Mr. Trowbridge, who resembled a lean and greying Irish terrier, maintained that he had. "It's a pity you don't ride, Lula. I understand that that's one of the best preventives for gout. I bought a horse last week that would just suit you an ideal woman's horse. He's taken a couple of blue ribbons this summer."

But, Maje Molly" and here the little bright face clouded over "my mother say all white peoples forget, and break promises to Indians." "No, no, they don't, Lula; they don't, you'll see. I sha'n't forget; I sha'n't break my promise, you'll see, you'll see, Lula. On Christmas eve I shall send you a Christmas present, sure, now remember!" answered Molly, vehemently.

A table in the corner, where Lula Chandos had insisted on playing bridge, was covered with scattered cards and some bills, a decanter of whiskey, two soda bottles, and two glasses. The blue curling smoke from Mrs.

But as a glance showed her that Tam was being cared for, and that Wallula's mother was carrying the box into the house, Major Molly followed on with a sigh of relief, and, doffing the riding-suit that covered her dress, flung herself down before the blazing fire, and began to tell her story. When she came to the point where Tam stumbled and fell forward, she burst out excitedly, "Oh, Lula, Lula!