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Apparently, for the moment, she had finished with Augustus, for she snubbed him sharply once or twice, and finally retired with a beautiful young man into the compartment beyond, kissing her hand to the rest as she went through the door. "I am going to talk business with Luffy till we get to Myrlton," she said. A savage look stamped itself upon Augustus's face.

He stared at me incredulously. "Luffy!" he said, aghast. "Oh, but Cordelia would take care of that. He is her friend." "Oh, how you amuse me, all of you," I said, laughing, "with your loves and your jealousies and your little arrangements! Every one two and two; every one with a 'friend." "Anyway, we are not wearyingly faithful."

"They are making arrangements to meet in London, and Luffy has not been asked to join the theatre-party." "No. He is going to lunch and to take them to skate," I said. "Oh, the clever girl!" and she laughed. "But I expect she will decide to be a duchess, in the end."

If you had done with Cuffy what you ought to have done when he first came into Parliament, and had prevented him from going over to Duffy, you would have got him into alliance with Fuffy, you would have had with you the weight attaching as a smart debater to Guffy, you would have brought to bear upon the elections the wealth of Huffy, you would have got in for three counties Juffy, Kuffy, and Luffy, and you would have strengthened your administration by the official knowledge and the business habits of Muffy.

"After keeping me in the most ridiculous position, dangling for weeks, she preferred Luffy." "Yes, I heard." "My only satisfaction out of the whole thing is that, for once, Cordelia is paid out in her own coin. As a rule, she only cares to take away some one who belongs to some other woman, and now this little girl has turned the tables."

But, I say, it is a dispensation of Providence, as I am considerably contented with Luffy and my position up to the present time. But if I had gotten there, stuffed behind with the baronesses, and had seen those duchesses marching along with their strawberry-leaves ahead of me, I kinder think I should have had a fit of dyspepsia right there in the Abbey."

But just for once in a way she had fallen in love Luffy is beautiful, you know! and, my dear child, any girl or woman in love is the most unreasonable, absurd creature on the face of the earth." "Yes, I know. But the Americans don't get in love like other nations. She assured me they knew how to keep men in their places on the other side of the Atlantic."

"How has Lady Grenellen taken the engagement?" I asked. "Cordelia? Oh, she is simply furious. It is the first time any other woman has ever had a chance with her. An English girl would have a rather blank prospect in front of her for the afterwards. But these Americans are so wonderfully clever and sensible, probably Luffy will remain Miss Trumpet's devoted slave for years."

"It it's a month ago we were at Myrlton." "The silly girl preferred Luffy, but for the last weeks they both were hanging on. Miss Trumpet and her aunt were staying at Claridge's, and they tell me it was too ridiculous! Luffy lunched with them every day, and Berty dined in the evening." "You did not tell her about the Coronation, then?" "Yes, I did!

"What on earth did they ask Luffy here for? He is noted for this sort of thing, and, of course, posing as a war hero adds an extra lustre to his charms." The only two people supremely unconscious of delinquencies were the causes of all the trouble Lord Luffton and Miss Trumpet. They had gone off to look at the pictures in the long gallery, and at twenty minutes to twelve were nowhere to be seen.