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"You shall have some coffee with me, and some bread and fruit; eating lubricates talking, dear, and I want to talk to you very seriously." "About John, father?" "Yes, about John. You know your own mind, Phyllis Fontaine? You are not playing with a good man's heart?" "I told you two years ago, father, that I loved John. I love him still.

Pork lubricates his joints; molasses gives tenacity to his muscles. Lumbering develops such men as Pindar saw when he pictured Jason, his forest hero. Life is a hearty and vigorous movement to them, not a drooping slouch. Summer is their season of preparation; winter, of the campaign; spring, of victory. All over the north of the State, whatever is not lake or river is forest.

Fair play is their delight, and underhand dealing they particularly abhor. Mr. Gladstone is too lenient, and although his failings lean to virtue's side, his action is too oily altogether. He is old and weak, and lubricates too much. They in effect accuse him of fatty degeneration of the brain. Something heroic must be done.

They are married, and have signed their names in one of the old sneezy registers, and the clergyman's surplice is restored to the dust, and the clergymam is gone home. In a dark corner of the dark church, Florence has turned to Susan Nipper, and is weeping in her arms. Mr Toots's eyes are red. The Captain lubricates his nose.

It would be interesting to notice the protecting organs of the eye, consisting of the orbit, which is a deep bony socket, in which the eye securely rests; of the eye-brows, which are two projecting arches, covered with hair, and so arranged as to prevent the moisture that accumulates upon the forehead, in free perspiration, from flowing into the eye; of the eye-lids, which are two movable curtains for the protection of the eye, and which secrete a fluid that moistens and lubricates it; of the lachrymal gland, with its ducts, which keeps the eye constantly moist, and whose secretions go on while we wake and when we sleep, etc., etc.; but the preceding must suffice.

Bucket rises betimes in the morning and prepares for a field-day. Smartened up by the aid of a clean shirt and a wet hairbrush, with which instrument, on occasions of ceremony, he lubricates such thin locks as remain to him after his life of severe study, Mr.

These glands terminating in the hair follicles secrete an oily substance, which bathes and lubricates as well as nourishes the hair.

*The Saliva and its Uses.*—The saliva is a transparent and somewhat slimy liquid which is slightly alkaline. In addition to this the saliva moistens and lubricates the food which it does not dissolve, and prepares it in this way for its passage to the stomach.

Moreover, they had separate and adequate banking accounts, which constitute, if not the keys of the matrimonial Heaven, at least the oil that lubricates them.

The sublingual gland is inert during mastication, and only begins to act as swallowing commences, when it envelops or lubricates the chewed substance with a fluid that assists its passage to the stomach.