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And so they come; and the dentist after every operation waves the extracted trophy high in air, and jubilates as if he had won another victory, pointing to the stone statue yonder, and reminding them that this is the glorious day of St. Antonino. But this is not all that this man of science does. He has the genuine elixir d'amour, love-philters and powders which never fail in their effects.

They are likewise supposed to be skilled in the art of healing, and are notable compounders of love-philters and potions. The king supports a certain number of astrologers, whose duties consist in the prediction of events, whether great or small, from war or peace to rain or drought, and in indicating or determining future possibilities by the aspect and position of the stars.

"It is treason to brew love-philters, when they are designed to take effect upon the King of France," replied the duke. "It is also treason to steal a lock of his hair wherewith to prepare the philter." "Did she say this?" screamed the countess, with the ferocity of a tigress at bay. "She did.

But Marcello was continually beside him at Bracciano, where we read of a mysterious Greek enchantress whom he hired to brew love-philters for the furtherance of his ambitious plots. Whether Bracciano was stimulated by the brother's arguments or by the witch's potions need not be too curiously questioned. But it seems in any case certain that absence inflamed his passion instead of cooling it.

Dolores, of course, that witch who had given love-philters to both her boys otherwise, why were they always following round after her as if they didn't dare say their soul was their own? The Rector stuck to the teamster's house as if the poor fool thought he had some business there! Didn't he know, idiot, that Dolores was for the other one?

She careth no more for jewels than she doth for the beads in a rainbow; nor doth she care for riches. And methinks a maid who would marry just to be maid of honor to a queen would not be an honorable maid either to herself or to her sovereign;" for so indeed I thought. Then saith he, "Butter, dost thou believe in love-philters?"

"I had much rather give you a love-philter, Mollie," he said, recovering from his first scare. "Unhappily, the age of love-philters seems to have passed. And now I will leave you for the present time will work wonders, I think. I must go back to New York; no one must suspect I have left it for an hour.

When I was young I was loved by many and admired many women, but not one of them not even my wife, who died young, was more to me than a toy, a plaything; and now when I stretch out my hand for a girl, whose father I might very well be not for her own sake, but simply to serve my purpose and she refuses me, I feel as much disturbed, as much a fool as-as that dealer in love-philters, Paaker."

They do this very successfully. But they find a much greater source of profit in the sale of charms and love-philters. Not only do they supply toads' claws to hold fickle hearts, and powdered loadstone to kindle love in cold ones, but if necessity arises, they can use mighty incantations, which force the devil to lend them his aid. Last year the following story was related to me by a Spanish lady.

When I was young I was loved by many and admired many women, but not one of them not even my wife, who died young, was more to me than a toy, a plaything; and now when I stretch out my hand for a girl, whose father I might very well be not for her own sake, but simply to serve my purpose and she refuses me, I feel as much disturbed, as much a fool as- as that dealer in love-philters, Paaker."