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But if you are to be my friend I ask you this: say nothing of Maxime Dalahaide to Loria." Lady Gardiner stood at Virginia's door, remained for a moment undecided, then tapped gently. The girl's voice answered "Come in!" and Kate obeyed. Virginia sat at a small writing-table in a window reading a book; but at sight of Lady Gardiner she snatched up a paper and hastily laid it over the volume.

Madeleine Dalahaide's pale, sad face became ashen, her great eyes dilated, and there was something of fear, perhaps even of distrust, in the look she turned upon Virginia. "You know him?" she exclaimed, her voice suddenly sharp. "Yes," admitted the American girl. "Then I think that you and I cannot be friends." "Not friends? But if I give up the Marchese Loria for you?"

We did not answer the knock, though it came again and again. But afterward, in the letter-box on the door, there was a packet containing the money which Maxime had got from the pawnbroker for my jewels. That I took with me, and Loria gave me more.

And Loria let me go out and send the letter, while he began the awful work which had to come next. I thanked him for that. I had not nerve enough left to help much after what I had gone through. "When I came back to the flat after sending off the letter, Loria unlocked the door for me. Already the worst was over. "His idea was for me to escape and let it seem that I had been murdered.

"But what of the fourth the brother?" In spite of herself, Virginia's voice sank, and the penetrating chill of the valley crept into her spirit. "He is worse than dead," answered Roger evasively. "By Jove! Loria is right. It is cold here. Let us turn back." "I should like to buy that château," announced the American girl, as calmly as if she had spoken of acquiring a new brooch. "Good gracious!

If we were to assure these proprietors, for the term of the natural lives, a comfortable and tranquil life, it would suffice to make the indemnity meet all the requirements of the most rigorous equity. LORIA, La Teoria economica della constituzione politica, Turin, 1886. p. 141.

Then, almost before Maxime could answer to vow that never, consciously, had he been Loria's rival or injured him in any way, Loria begged forgiveness, said he had spoken in anger that in his heart he did not mean a word. So the quarrel if quarrel you could call it was made up. But I guessed then that Loria had never really loved Maxime.

The Marchese Loria ordered tea, and the two newly made allies pretended to have no important more business than eating and drinking. But certain that nobody was within hearing distance, Loria squandered little time in frivolities. At any moment some one they knew might come in and interrupt their talk. "You said that I looked 'very down," he began abruptly.

On horseback we rode like couriers, full gallop, passed Loria before the first hint of dawn showed through the moonlight and, about half way between Fregena and Alsium turned aside into a lovely little grove about an old shrine of Ops Consiva, a grove whose beauty and the openness of whose tree-embowered, grass-carpeted spaces was plain even by the moonlight.

The radical transformation in the character of Kabbalistic teaching which is connected with the name of Rabbi Isaac Loria likewise is an evidence of Elijah's activity. Elijah sought out this "father of the Kabbalistic Renaissance," and revealed the mysteries of the universe to him. Indeed, he had shown his interest in him long before any one suspected the future greatness of Rabbi Isaac.