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I had committed myself when all was quiet. The meeting of Parliament will, I hope, divert attention. Ever yrs, P.S. I am publishing my Univ. Sermons. You got a headache for one it would be an act of gratitude to send you all. Shall I do so? J. R. Hope, Esq. to the Rev. J. H. Newman. 6 Stone Buildings, Linc.

Power, op. cit., p. 307. Power, op. cit., p. 77. Ibid., pp. 351-2; and see Chap. IX passim on the Bull Periculoso and the wandering of nuns in the world. Linc. Visit., II, p. 50. V.C.H. Yorks., III, p. 172. A. Raw Material

The news thus being passed, the fresher runners scampered ahead, bawling: "FOY-URRR' FOY-URRR! and Linc, the hero, slowed down, gasping for breath and spitting cotton. "Whew!" he whistled, gustily, his arms dropping and his whole frame collapsing. "Gee! I'm 'bout tuckered. Sm-pooh! Sm-pooh! Run all th' way f'm sm-ha, sm-ha! run all th' way f'm mouth's all stuck together p'too! ha! Pooh!

If the plan is abandoned, this significant question will be, nay, is already asked 'What, then, cannot the Anglican Church bear the Lives of her Saints? Ever yrs, J.R. Hope, Esq. to the Rev. J.H. Newman. 6 Stone Bdgs, Linc. Inn: Nov. 8, '43.

An' it was Swope's barn and I run in an' opened the door, didn't stop to knock or nung, an' I hollered out: 'Yib barn's afire! an' he run out in his sockfeet, an' he says: 'My Lord! he says. 'Linc, he says, 'run git the ingine an' I putt." Linc drew in a long, tremulous breath like a man that has looked on sorrow. "Why 'n't you " "Betchy 't was tramps," interrupted a bystander.

On Tittivillus see my article in The Cambridge Magazine , pp.158-60. Linc. Visit., ed. A.H. Thompson, II, pp. 46-52; and Power, op. cit. pp. 82-7. V.C.H. Oxon, II. p. 77. Linc. Visit., ed. A.H. Thompson, I, p. 67. On these gaieties see Power, op. cit. pp. 309-14. Linc. Visit., II, pp. 3-4; and see Power, op. cit., pp. 75-7, 303-5, on gay clothes in nunneries. Linc. Visit., II. p. 175.

"Git in the haymow an' think they got to have their blamed old pipe a-goin' " "Cigarettes, more likely," said another. "More darn devilment comes from cigarettes " "Why'n't you " "Ount know nung 'bout tramps," said Linc. "All I seen was the fire. I was a-comin' long a-past there an' I smelt the smoke an' thinks I What say?" "Why'n't you telefoam down?" Linc, the hero, shrunk a foot.

They think they may stay, while they are moving themselves, others, nay, say the whole Church, towards Rome. Is not this an intelligible ground? I should like your opinion of it.... Ever yours sincerely, J. R. Hope, Esq. to the Rev. J. H. Newman. 6 Stone Buildings, Linc. Inn: Nov. 4, '43.

Meanwhile, he went off to look for the missing "A" Company, leaving the three Companies, "B," "C" and "D," holding the village and watching the valley. At 7-30 the leading platoon of the 5th Linc. Regt. came up on our left, and about an hour later the French started their advance, and, passing Mericourt on the South side, deployed down the slopes towards the Railway line.

"Where's it at?" "FIRE! Pooh-ha! "It's Linc Hoover. Hay, Linc! Where's the fire?" "FIRE! Pooh-ha! FIRE! ha, ha! "Hay, Linc! Where's it at? Tell me and I'll run. Hay! Where's it at?" "Which Swope? Henry or the old man?" "FIRE! Pooh! J. K. Swope. Whoo-ha, whooh-ha! Out out on West End Avenue. Poof!"