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"A couple iv weeks ago he see Jawn an' they had a long talk about it. 'Cassidy, says Jawn, 'ye've been a good frind iv mine, he says, 'an' I'd do annything in the wurruld f'r ye, no matther what it cost ye, he says. 'If ye need a little money to tide over th' har-rd times till th' ligislachure meets again buy' an' he whispered in Cassidy's ear. 'But, he says,'don't tell annywan.

This comp'ny is in ixcillint condition since th' hangin' iv th' comity on reorganization." "What's th' la-ad been doin', Hinnissy? He's been lettin' his frinds in on th' groun' flure an' dhroppin' thim into th' cellar. Ye know Cassidy, over in th' Fifth, him that was in th' ligislachure? Well, sir, he was a gr-reat frind iv this man.

'We done it to make th' Sinitors onhappy, but thim hardened tools iv predytory wealth have ordhered ink wells made in th' shape iv decanters. But, he says, 'th' popylar branch iv th' Naytional Ligislachure is not to be outdone. Ye see these panels on th' wall? I touch a button an' out pops a bottle iv Bourbon that wud make ye'er eyes dance. Whoop-ee!

'How did ye come out? says I. 'I haven't a cint lift but me renommynation f'r th' ligislachure, says he. 'Well, says I, 'Cassidy, I says, 'ye've been up again what th' pa-apers call hawt finance, I says. 'What th' divvle's that? says he. 'Well, says I, 'it ain't burglary, an' it ain't obtainin' money be false pretinses, an' it ain't manslaughter, I says.