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"Well," he said slowly, "anyhow, you showed him up to that bunch of lickspittles. They were surprised." "I fuf-fancy so. This whole town has got the notion that Rod Grant is simply it. They thought he would fight at the drop of the hat." "What would you have done if he'd taken you up?" "Whipped him," answered Phil confidently. "I've taken boxing lessons.

To any one of whom, by half that submissiveness and assiduity, our Bozzy might have recommended himself; and sat there, the envy of surrounding lickspittles; pocketing now solid emolument, swallowing now well-cooked viands and wines of rich vintage; in each case, also, shone on by some glittering reflex of Renown or Notoriety, so as to be the observed of innumerable observers.

I don't wish to be hard, at present, upon those Whigs, he continued, 'for they are playing our game; but a time will come when, not wanting them, we will kick them to a considerable distance: and then, when toleration is no longer the cry, and the Whigs are no longer backed by the populace, see whether the editors of the will stand by them; they will prove themselves as expert lickspittles of despotism as of liberalism.

Not content with trying to bring you to a bed of sickness, these lickspittles and pestilent old men are trying to bring me to the same. And I assure you that they are succeeding I assure you that they are. Yet I would rather die than not help you.

H. V. Leslie!" retorted Blake. "I'm not one of your employees, to throw a fit when you put on the heavy pedal, and I'm not one of the lickspittles that are always baa-ing around the Golden Calf. You've had your say. Now I'll have mine. To begin with, let me tell you, I don't need your positions or your money. Griffith has given me work. I'm working for him, not you. Understand?" "You are?

And then in Spain,—’tis true, Lope de Vega and Calderon were most inordinate lickspittles; the Principe Constante of the last is a curiosity in its way; and then the Mary Stuart of Lope; I think I shall recommend the perusal of that work to the Birmingham ironmonger’s daughtershe has been lately thinking of adding “a slight knowledge of the magneeficent language of the Peninsulato the rest of her accomplishments, he! he! he!

Our turbulent, rebellious rabble raised their hands like pleading beggars, and grave, dignified men followed their example. Whoever saw me and Phryxus will remember us among the kneeling lickspittles; for had we remained standing we should certainly have been dragged down. So we followed the example of the others." "And Octavianus?" asked Dion eagerly.

I don’t wish to be hard, at present, upon those Whigs,’ he continued, ‘for they are playing our game; but a time will come when, not wanting them, we will kick them to a considerable distance: and then, when toleration is no longer the cry, and the Whigs are no longer backed by the populace, see whether the editors of the will stand by them; they will prove themselves as expert lickspittles of despotism as of liberalism.

And then in Spain, 'tis true, Lope de Vega and Calderon were most inordinate lickspittles; the Principe Constante of the last is a curiosity in its way; and then the Mary Stuart of Lope; I think I shall recommend the perusal of that work to the Birmingham ironmonger's daughter she has been lately thinking of adding "a slight knowledge of the magneeficent language of the Peninsula" to the rest of her accomplishments, he! he! he!

Our turbulent, rebellious rabble raised their hands like pleading beggars, and grave, dignified men followed their example. Whoever saw me and Phryxus will remember us among the kneeling lickspittles; for had we remained standing we should certainly have been dragged down. So we followed the example of the others." "And Octavianus?" asked Dion eagerly.