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I hae lickit ye afore for bein' ill till her; and I will again gin ye gang a step nearer till her. She doesna want ye. Faith I will! But I wad raither no fecht afore her. Sae jist come back to the toon wi' me, and we'll say nae mair aboot it." "I'll see you damned!" said Bruce. "Maybe ye may, bein' likly to arrive at the spot first.

"Eh, ye cratur!" he cried; and darting to the bed, he took Gibbie's face between his hands, and said, in a voice to which pity and sympathy gave a tone like his mother's, "Whaten a deevil was't 'at lickit ye like that? Eh! I wuss I had the trimmin' o' him!" Gibbie smiled. "Has the ill-guideship ta'en the tongue frae 'im, think ye?" asked the mother.

"The maister's a hantle quaieter than usual. I fancy he's a' the better behaved for's brunt fingers. But, oh, Alec!" And here the little maiden burst into a passionate fit of crying. "What's the matter, Annie," said Mrs Forbes, as she drew her nearer, genuinely concerned at the child's tears. "Oh! mem, ye didna see hoo the maister lickit him, or ye wad hae grutten yersel'."

But i' the mean time, gin ye dinna want her to see ye lickit, come doon into yon how, and we'll jist sattle aff han' wha's the best man o' the twa." "I won't move a step to please you or any one else," returned Bruce. He saw that his safety consisted in keeping within sight of Annie. Curly saw on his part that, a few steps nearer to where Annie sat, the path led behind a stunted ash-tree.

The boy did not seem eager to accept the challenge. 'There's nae guid in lickin a lassie! he said with a shrug. 'There mith be guid in tryin to du't though especially gien ye war lickit at it! returned the girl. 'What guid can there be in a body bein lickit at onything? 'The guid o' haein a body's pride ta'en doon a wee. 'I'm no sae sure o' the guid o' that!

The night had gathered thick about them. And for a few moments out of the darkness came no sound. At length Mr Cupples resumed: "I maun jist confess, cauf that I was and yet I wad hae been a greater cauf gin it hadna been sae I cud hae lickit the verra dist aff o' the flure whaur her fit had been.

"A terrible laddie, that Sandy Forbes!" said the carpenter, with a sort of laugh in the whishk of his plane, as he threw off a splendid spale. "They say he's lickit the dominie, and 'maist been the deid o' him." "I hae kent waur laddies nor Sandy Forbes," was Thomas's curt reply. "Ow, deed ay! I ken naething agen the laddie. Him an' oor Willie's unco throng."

Ye aye anger me; but I wad raither hae a body anger me wi' tellin' me the trowth, nor I wad hae a' the fair words i' the dictionar'. It's a strange thing, wumman, but aye whan a body's tryin' maist to gang upricht he's sure to catch a dreidfu' fa'. There I hae been warstlin' wi' my ill-temper mair nor ever I did i' my life afore; and I never i' my days lickit twa laddies for lickin' ane anither till jist this verra day.

'My leddy, says I, quite solemn, an' luikin' her straucht i' the face haudin' her wi' my ee, like 'I hae been tellt fat yer leddyship said yestreen, that there wasna a saumon in Spey ye cudna maister. Noo, I speer this at yer leddyship respectfu' but direck; div ye admit yersel clean bestit fairly lickit wi' that fush, Spey fush though it be?

"Deil ha'e 'im for an upsettin' rascal 'at hasna pride eneuch to haud him ohn lickit the gentry's shune! The man maun be fey! I houp he may, an' I wuss I saw the beerial o' 'im makin' for the kirkyaird. It's nae ill to wuss weel to a' body 'at wad be left! His nose is turnt twise the colour i' the last twa month. He'll be drinkin' byous.