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But it does not appear that the antisiphylitic powers of Lobelia have been confirmed by any instances of European practice. Woodville's Med. Bot. p. 251. LYTHRUM Salicaria. WILLOW HERB. The Herb. D. This is used internally in dropsies, obstinate gleets, and leucorrhoea. Similar Plants. Epilobium palustre; Epilob. angustifolium; Epilob. hirsutum. MALVA sylvestris. COMMON MALLOW. Herb.

Those grievous maladies which torture a woman's earthly existence, called leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, chronic and acute ovaritis, prolapsus uteri, hysteria, neuralgia, and the like, are indirectly affected by food, clothing, and exercise; they are directly and largely affected by the causes that will be presently pointed out, and which arise from a neglect of the peculiarities of a woman's organization.

Retention of the fetal membranes is a very common cause of leucorrhoea. The treatment consists in removing the fetal envelopes before there is any opportunity for them to undergo decomposition. In the mare, this should be practised within a few hours after birth has occurred, and in other animals, from one to forty-eight hours.

Apply at night; requires thorough washing next morning. HELONIAS COMPOSITION: Helonias, fifteen grains; Squaw wine, sixty grains; Viburnum Opulus, fifteen grains; Caulophyllum, fifteen grains; syrup, two ounces. Dose: Teaspoonful every two hours. LEUCORRHOEA: Ext. Hyoscyamus, one dram; ext. Hamamelis, one dram; tannic acid, one dram; ext.

LEUCORRHOEA. This is a chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the genital tract, that is associated with more or less of a discharge from the vulva. It is common in animals that abort, or retain the "after-birth." The discharge may be white, sticky, albuminous, and without odor, or it may be chocolate colored and foul smelling. The tail and hind parts are usually soiled with it.

The only thing that can trouble you is the remembrance of the widow's foul embraces, and the certainty that the prostitute has communicated her complaint to you. Nevertheless, I hope it may prove a slight attack and be easily cured. An inveterate leucorrhoea is not exactly a venereal disease, and I have heard people in London say that it was rarely contagious.

"Yes; and, by the way, it is possible she may only have leucorrhoea. I am longing to see the end of the piece, and to set my mind at rest." "Will you give Madame an account of our scheme?" "Yes; but I shall not be able to give you the credit you deserve." "I only want to have credit in your eyes."

They are also liable to disorders that require prompt and careful attention, such as inflammations, excoriations, itchings and swellings of the genital organs with discharges from these parts resembling leucorrhoea. All such conditions lead them to more or less rub and scratch these parts which should never be touched for relief.

Moreover, she would not, or could not, make any more allowance for the periodicity of her organization than for the shape of her skeleton. When about twenty years of age, perhaps a year or so older, she applied to me for advice in consequence of neuralgia, back-ache, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, and general debility. She was anemic, and looked pale, care-worn, and anxious.

A corset fitted to the wearer is not injurious and serves as a support. Overwork, catching cold and excesses may produce a congestion which is one stage of inflammation. Any leucorrhoea shows a disordered condition which should be corrected. It may be simply of a catarrhal nature, due to pressure or cold, or it may indicate a more serious condition, as the presence of one of the black plagues.