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"Nec pars ulla magis legitur de corpore toto, Quam non legitimo faedere junctus amor." Where, by the way, you may observe, my lord, that Ovid in those words, non legitimo faedere junctus amor, will by no means allow it to be a lawful marriage betwixt Dido and AEneas. He was in banishment when he wrote those verses, which I cite from his letter to Augustus.

Look here eo tamen pacto that means 'by this agreement' does it not? I am not so rusty as you seem to think." "It means 'on this understanding, however. Go on. Quod si, that if praedicto Domino Leoni, to the aforesaid Don Leone ex legitimo matrimonio, from a lawful marriage heres nasceretur, an heir should be born hoc instrumentum, this deed shall be null, worthless and invalid.

They never came back again till 1850; and as they had a number of old Portuguese guns marked "Legitimo de Braga", which Sebituane thought would be excellent in any future invasion of Matebele, he offered to purchase them with cattle or ivory, but the Mambari refused every thing except boys about fourteen years of age.

".... Eo tamen pacto, quod si praedicto Domino Leoni ex legitimo matrimonio heres nasceretur, instrumentum hoc nullum, vanum atque plane invalidum fiat." Giovanni smiled at the quaint law Latin, and then read the sentence over again. His face grew grave as he realised the tremendous import of those few words.