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There is some general resemblance to the chalk bluffs of England, especially about Beachy Head, but the rock here appears to be mica-slate, disposed in thin, vertical strata, with many violent transverse breaks. As we approached the end of the promontory which divides the Porsanger from the Laxe Fjord, the rocks became more abrupt and violently shattered.

They were not mistaken in regard to the speed of their beasts. They set off at a furious pace, and it was all I could do to keep inside of my sleigh. My pride was up, and I was bound to do my utmost not to upset. We finally reached the high promontory which divides the Laxe from the Tana fjord, at the extremity of which is Nordkyn.

The headlands of this deeply-indented coast the capes of the Laxe and Porsanger Fjords, and of Mageröe lay around us, in different degrees of distance, but all with foreheads touched with supernatural glory.

We sailed across the Porsanger Fjord. Far off was Nordkyn, upon the summit of which I had stood. The coast looked dreary indeed! We sailed across Laxe Fjord and doubled Nordkyn. The following day we entered a fjord and came upon a number of fishing boats that were returning from the open sea.