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He taught her, and took all possible pains in the teaching, and laughed at her, and told her plainly that she had no talent for music. He told her that in her hands the finest lute Laux Maler ever made, mellowed by three centuries, would be but wood and catgut.

"Good laux, mistress," Betty was beginning, but she could get no further. Mrs. Fenton jumped down her throat. "Hold your silly tongue. Don't talk to me. I the smelling salts! Quick, you slut, or I'll faint," screamed the lady. No one could look less like fainting than did Mrs.

Corréard, in despair at seeing two poor wretches perish, whose lamentable cries, especially those of the woman, pierced his heart, seized a large rope which was on the front of the raft, which he fastened round the middle of his body, and threw himself, a second time, into the sea, whence he was so happy as to rescue the woman, who invoked, with all her might, the aid of Our Lady of Laux, while her husband was likewise saved by the chief workman, Lavillette.

Mr. Corréard, one of those whom it had most agreeably affected, hearing the woman still recommend herself, as she had done when in the sea, to our Lady of Laux, exclaiming every instant, "our good Lady of Laux do not forsake us," recollected that there was, in fact, in the Department of the Upper Alps, a place of devotion so called, and asked her if she came from that country.

The numbers above mentioned make only three hundred and eighty-three, so that there is an error somewhere. Trois quarts: it is not said of what measure; probably a pint. The original is n'ayant pas le pié marin, not having a sailors foot. Our Lady of Laux is in the Department of the Upper Alps, not far from Gap.