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"Well, sir, it was said of a good wife by the ancients, 'bene quae latuit, bene vixit, that is, she is the best wife that is least talked of: but here 'male quae patuit' were as near the mark. Therefore, an you bear the lass good-will, why not club purses with Denys and me and convey her safe home with a dowry? Then mayhap some rustical person in her own place may be brought to wife her."

His motto was: "bene vixit qui bene latuit he has lived well who has kept himself well hidden" and his contention was always that in proportion as one could keep himself in the background his cause prospered, if it was a good cause. When kings and queens came visiting, he could not always keep in hiding, though he often tried.

At present, the most convinced believer in the aphorism "Bene qui latuit, bene vixit," is not always able to act up to it. An importunate person informs him that his portrait is about to be published and will be accompanied by a biography which the importunate person proposes to write. The sufferer knows what that means; either he undertakes to revise the "biography" or he does not.

"For mine own particular," he said, "I will say with the poet, 'Crede mihi, bene qui latuit bene vixit, Et intra fortunam debet quisque manere suam."

Richard Trench," there is a singular remark by the editor, her son. He says that "the adage is certainly true in regard to the British matron, Bene vixit quae bene latuit," the meaning of this phrase being, "She has lived well who has kept herself well out of sight." Applying this to his beloved mother, he further expresses a regret at disturbing her "sacred obscurity."

"For mine own particular," he said, "I will say with the poet, 'Crede mihi, bene qui latuit bene vixit, Et intra fortunam debet quisque manere suam."

"For mine own particular," he said, "I will say with the poet, 'Crede mihi, bene qui latuit bene vixit, Et intra fortunam debet quisque manere suam."

"For mine own particular," he said, "I will say with the poet, 'Crede mihi, bene qui latuit bene vixit, Et intra fortunam debet quisque manere suam."