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While the Starrs are following their friends, the Latimers, from the station to the hotel, let us see how they all came to be in this faraway place in Canada. When the Starrs left the island in Casco Bay in the early part of September, Mr. Latimer, who lived in Portland, Maine, mentioned a trip to the lumber regions of Canada. As Mr. Starr was interested in a large lumber deal with Mr.

Ashendale Priory was a fine old ruin belonging to the Latimers, and about six miles from Latimer's Court. Sissy Langton had said one day that she often passed it in her rides, but had never been into it. Walter Latimer was astonished, horrified and delighted all at once, and vowed that she must see it, and should see it without delay.

Stornaway, and he bestowed this upon her with an easy air which she felt to be very delightful. "He's so ready," she observed, enraptured; "I often used to say to Agnes " But Mrs. Downing was not to be defrauded. "We were talking about those people on Bank Street," she said, "the Latimers. Mrs. Stornaway says you crossed the Atlantic with the son, who has just come back.

She will not dance that, but sends Eugene in quest of another partner, at which he grumbles. The Latimers are not here, a sick baby has prevented, though now Violet begins to feel quite at home with many of the dwellers in the park and about. Even madame searches her out presently. "My dear child," she says, in that soft, suave tone, "are you not well this evening? You are such a little recluse."

She touches upon his work with delicate praise and appreciation. It would seem that she kept herself informed of all he did, but she never questions him in any inquisitive manner. She is really intimate with the Latimers, so she hears, no doubt. It will be charming to add her to the summer party. There are other delightful people for Violet to know as soon as she can begin to entertain society.

He knew that he owed especial respect and consideration to the daughter of his tenant, a man who had dealt faithfully by him, and whose father and grandfather had held Ashendale under the Latimers. He felt that he was acting meanly even while he kissed little Lucy by the red wall where the apricots were ripening in the sun.

Sooner may my right hand forget her cunning, and wither outright, as his who once stretched it out against a prophet of God! anathema to a whole tribe of Cranmers, Ridleys, Latimers, and Jewels! perish the names of Bramhall, Ussher, Taylor, Stillingfleet, and Barrow from the face of the earth, ere I should do ought but fall at their feet in love and in worship, whose image was continually before my eyes, and whose musical words were ever in my ears and on my tongue!"

The Judge spends his evenings here when I don't actually force him to go out with me and I spend mine down in the pleasanter quarters. I have the Liscombes and the Latimers in very often, but he never comes down if he can avoid it. They understand he's eccentric, and we let it go at that." She spoke with the air of being a most kindly and forbearing wife.

Laura's return is next in order, and she is not a little surprised at the changes. The Murrays are still at Grandon Park; Floyd insists upon this, as he really does not want Marcia to return, brotherly kind as he proves to her. The Latimers go to the city, and the professor is again domiciled a brief while at the cottage that seems so like home. Laura and Mr.

"Your cold was a pretty bad one, wasn't it?" she asked, vaguely, once. "Yes," was the answer. "It made me feel weak. But it has gone now. I am quite well again." After that Susan saw her but once again. As time went on she heard a vague rumour that the Latimers were anxious about Margery's health.