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The following are the names of the men who were proud to vote against the ratification: Elmer Davis of Boise county; C. B. Faraday of Elmore; Ross Mason of Shoshone; R. T. Owens of Oneida; E. W. Porter of Latah; John S. St. Clair of Owyhee. If "happy women have no history" those of Idaho are fortunate, as the above is all that could be obtained for the State chapter. Ed.

But latah on I could fix things so 's you could have the whole third floor ef you wanted to. Most o' my gent'men 's railroad gent'men, they is. I guess it must 'a' been Mr. Thomas that sent you up here." "He was a little bright man down at de deepo." "Yes, that 's him. That 's Mr. Thomas.

"We're savin' our strength they'll be plenty of fast ridin' to do latah." The Kid could not resist the temptation to break into song. His soft chant rose above the faint whisper of the desert wind: "Oh, theah's jumpin' beans and six-guns south o' Rio, And muy malo hombres by the dozen, We're a-watchin' out fo' trouble south o' Rio, And when it comes, some lead will be a-buzzin'."

The Texan's grave still waited! A thin bank of clouds rolled up to obscure somewhat the light of the moon. This was what Kid Wolf had been waiting for. It was their only chance. "I'm goin' to try and get through on foot," he whispered. "Befo' I go, I'll unloose Blizzahd. He's trained to follow, and he'll find me latah, if I make it.

I'd rathah settle this little business with Jack Hahdy alone. Yo' drive the cattle on and meet me latah." And lifting his hand in farewell, The Kid touched his white charger with the spur. In a few minutes he was a tiny spot on the horizon, bound for the lair of Jack Hardy, the rustler king.

His head was down, and he glanced out of the lower part of his eyes over the congregation, while his hands fumbled at the sides of his trousers in an embarrassment which may have been pretended or otherwise. "Mistah Cheerman," he said, "fu' myse'f, I ain't no speakah. I ain't nevah been riz up dat way. I has plowed an' I has sowed, an' latah on I has laid cyahpets, an' I has whitewashed.

Deir wuz Jim, Thomas, he refugeed from Charl'stun to Pum'roy and it tuk him fo' months, den de wuz sistah Adah, Carrie an' Ella. When I rite young I wurked as hous' maid fo' numbah quality white folks an' latah on I wuz nurs' fo' de chilluns in sum homes, heah abouts." "Oh, de slaves quartahs, dey wuz undah de sam' ruf with Marse Hunt's big hous' but in de back.

"I wunner whah that little scamp is," she said, smiling; "I tol' him to hu'y home, but I reckon he's stayin' out latah wid de evenin' papahs so's to bring home mo' money." Hour after hour passed and he did not come; then she grew alarmed.

My daddy worked in de mill and save his money, and twelve yeahs aftah de wah he bought two hundred and twenty acres of land, 'bout ten miles away. Den latah on daddy bought de mill from de Mosleys too. Yas'm, my daddy was well off. "My, you had to be somebody to votes. I sure do 'membahs all 'bout dat. You had to be edicated and have money to votes.

"Latah own Sahib." I am bringing it, sir. There was then a sound of clanking metal light, advancing, flashes across the roof of the veranda and, at the noise of coming steps, lo! one after one its terrible coils unwinding, the grisly monster glided away from my body; and the last sounds that struck my sense of hearing were the "Ya illahi samp!"