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One would fain live those ornithological days over again, and taste the rapturous joy with which one killed that first nutcracker in the mountain gulley; the first wall-creeper which fluttered down from the precipice hung with icicles; the Temminck's stint victim of a lucky shot, late in the evening, on the banks of the reservoir; the ruff, the grey-headed green woodpecker, the yellow-billed Alpine jackdaw, that lanius meridionalis

The Lanius collurio, an allied bird, uses this method still more frequently. He even prepares a small larder before feasting. One may thus see on a thorny branch spitted side by side Coleoptera, crickets, grasshoppers, frogs, and even young birds, which he has seized when they were in flight. Naumann, Naturgeschichte der Vögel Deutschlands, etc., Stuttgart, 1846-53.

The Carnivora live from day to day and lay up no stores; it is the Rodents, certain frugivorous birds, and insects who exhibit the most complicated acts of economy. Provisions laid up for a short period. As a rudimentary example of the art of preserving food in view of possible famine, I may mention the case of the Lanius collurio.

I have no evidence of any other Shrike occurring in the Islands, though I should think the Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor, might be an occasional autumn or winter visitant to the Islands; but I have never seen a specimen myself or been able to glean any satisfactory information as to the occurrence of one, either from the local bird-stuffers or from Mr.

This opinion is still subject to revision, but I find it easier to confirm it than to undermine it. But let me change the strain and contemplate for a few moments this feathered bandit, this bird with the mark of Cain upon him, Lanius borealis, the great shrike or butcher-bird. Usually the character of a bird of prey is well defined; there is no mistaking him.

The head is grey and the remainder of the upper plumage brownish yellow. The eyebrow is white, as are the chin, throat, and upper breast: the remainder of the lower plumage is bright yellow. Suya atrigularis. The black-throated hill-warbler. The upper plumage is olive brown, darkest on the head. The chin, throat, breast, and upper abdomen are black. Lanius tephronotus. The grey-backed shrike.

The Barn Owl is mentioned in Professor Ansted's list, and restricted to Guernsey and Sark. There are two specimens in the Museum, both of which are said to have been killed in Guernsey. REDBACKED SHRIKE. Lanius Collurio, Linnaeus. French, "Pie-grieche écorcheur." The Red-backed Shrike may be considered a tolerably regular, but not very common, summer visitant to the Channel Islands.

Blyth has seen specimens of Lanius rufus and of Colymbus glacialis which had assumed whilst young, in a quite anomalous manner, the adult plumage of their parents. F. Forel has described the case of three vigorous young birds, out of a brood of four, which were born pure white.

Languages, presence of rudiments in; classification of; variability of; crossing or blending of; complexity of, no test of perfection or proof of special creation; resemblance of, evidence of community of origin. Languages and species, identity of evidence of their gradual development. Lanius, characters of young. Lanius rufus, anomalous young of.

Lanius, who had gone down the Urubamba with Dr. Bowman, I asked them to make a map of the ruins. I knew it would be a difficult undertaking and that it was essential for Mr. Tucker to join me in Arequipa not later than the first of October for the ascent of Coropuna. With the hearty aid of Richarte and Alvarez, the surveyors did better than I expected.