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Another portion is in the hands of buyers and sellers of specie; of men in the West, who sell land-office money to the new settlers for a high premium Another portion, again, is kept in private hands, to be used when circumstances shall tempt to the purchase of lands.

So he walked on and on, now through better streets and now through worse, up and down the city. Here and there, detonations and red fire marked the impatience of some demonstrator who could not wait till midnight to show his ardent patriotism and his public spirit by risking life and property. The saloons were all doing a land-office business, with the holiday impending and the thermometer at 97.

He saw nothing to be gained by holding out until he could return to Agnes and place the situation before her, if Boyle had been willing to forego moving against her that long. They went to the land-office together, Boyle advancing the money to Slavens for the outright purchase of the land under the provision of the act of Congress under which the reservation had been opened.

"Who's you' party?" the elder man demanded, indicating the distant camp with one crutch, and leaning heavily upon the other. "Surveyors," replied Lounsbury. "Surveyors!" There was alarm in Lancaster's tone. He suddenly recalled how, slighting Dallas' advice, he had delayed a trip to the land-office for the purpose of filing on the claim. "W'at they doin'?" "Something right in your line, sir.

Those men who would be easiest believed wrote and signed the letters, and certain others added characteristic postscripts best calculated to bring results. After that, the Happy Family debated upon the boldness of going in a body to Great Falls to file upon their claims, or the caution of proceeding instead to Glasgow where the next nearest land-office might be found.

"But you've been so good to us even after the way dad acted guarded out here, and sent that land-office man down from Bismarck " He made a protesting gesture. "Pshaw!" "Oh, yes, you did. And why? Why? if you don't care " A long silence followed. During it she watched him, her very attitude imploring, while he continued to pace. All at once he stopped determinedly.

Poindexter felt this as an insult to his State, and in the case of Gwinn's appointment as register of the Land-Office at Clinton, Mississippi, he opposed the nomination when sent to the Senate. He was successful in having it rejected.

Faith, thought she, as she sat by the window and looked down upon the crowd which still hung about the land-office, was a sustaining food. Without it the business of all the world would cease. She had found need to draw heavily upon it in her years, which she passed in fleeting review as she looked pensively upon the crowd, which seemed floundering aimlessly in the sun.

But, without being highly educated, I knew a way to save time and expense. We went to the State land-office and had a practical, what they call a "working," sketch made of all the surveys of land from the old mission to the Alamito River. On this map I drew a line due southward to the river. The length of lines of each survey and section of land was accurately given on the sketch.

"As a rule, I prefer to buy for other people, but I can't go back on what I said about land being in strong demand, and I'll make you a bid. This is the most I can do." Wandle, after trying to raise the price, made a sign of acquiescence. "We'll let it go at that. I'll get things fixed up as soon as the land-office is open in the morning."